Release Notes for Praetorians - HD Remaster
Patch 1.04 (24 June 2020)
General fixes and improvements
- Fixed a number of text and localization issues
- Added performance optimization for larger-scale battles
- Fixed issue where UI options would highlight for non-applicable troop types
- Added focus border around text input field when using a controller
- Fixed a few crash-causing bugs
- Fixed bug where left/right arrow key would adjust sequence playback speed
- Fixed Barbarian War Chariot t-posing in 'Fear the Eagles‘ mission
Multiplayer fixes and improvements
- Improved flow when exiting multiplayer sessions
- Made change so that if host leaves game after gameplay is complete, client now maintains end game result instead of displaying 'undefeated'
- Fixed issue transitioning to multiplayer if 'Join Game‘ option fails
- Added scrolling function to chat box on lobby screen
- Fixed unnecessary client connection error pop-up after creating a saved sequence
Patch 1.03 (3 March 2020)
General Fixes
- Fixed a crash when hovering over multi-troop health bar and the troop dies.
- Fixed a crash with video options screen not setting a correct index on the initial load of a game.
- Measures to avoid crashes, if a unit that is not intended to be on a wall, still getting on a wall.
- Fixed various stability issues.
- Fixed an issue where troops without a 'wall' formation were able to be loaded into an Assault Tower.
- Fixed an issue with the difficulty level appearing different to what it had been set.
- Fixed a flicker on the names during the ‘Skirmish complete’ screen.
- Fixed an issue with resolution options not saving.
- Fixed issue with volume settings not being saved.
- Fixed issue with camera movement when both mouse + controller is attached and a controller is assigned as Player 2, 3 or 4.
- Fixed an issue with backing out of the settings screen and new settings not saving.
Multiplayer Fixes
- [Multiplayer] Fixed camera reset for all connected players when a player leaves multiplayer.
- [Multiplayer] Fixed clients not being notified of other clients disconnecting.
- [Multiplayer] When the host leaves a game, clients now receive a message that makes them automatically leave the game
- [Multiplayer] When the host leaves a game, clients are now able to save the sequence.
- [Multiplayer] When the host leaves a game, the results screen shows that they lost and remaining players are winners.
- [Multiplayer] Fixed multiplayer game not starting if clients disconnect in specific order before game starts.
- [Multiplayer] Fixed the refresh button in the multiplayer lobby so players no longer have to press it twice.
Sequence-file Fixes
- [Sequence] Fixed grass and water flickering after restarting a sequence.
- [Sequence] Fixed additional object leaks when restarting sequences.
- [Sequence] Fixed issue with the save sequence always displaying ‘Normal’ difficulty
- [Sequence] Fixed screen transitions when trying to load a corrupt game or sequence save.
- [Sequence] Fixed sequence replay pause state being saved + loaded.
- Updated engine version to Unreal 4.24.
- Added backspace functionality allow reversion to previously selected unit.
- Matchmaking screen now shows servers that are active and full in the list but does not make them joinable.
- Updated localized strings to fix some text issues.
- Code now checks whether a game or sequence save succeeded before saving the associated meta data to the primary profile save.
- Changed error name when trying to join a full game session.