Home Products Changelog

Epistory - Typing Chronicles

Product ID 1986504189
Product type Game
API availability Galaxy + Store API
In store Yes
Developers Fishing Cactus
Publisher Fishing Cactus / Plug In Digital
Last updated 2024-12-04 23:58
Prices Details References Downloads Builds Media Changelog


Start End Base Final Discount
2021-04-08 2021-06-09 $14.99 $14.99 -
2021-06-09 2021-06-28 $14.99 $5.99 60%
2021-06-28 2021-07-12 $14.99 $14.99 -
2021-07-12 2021-07-19 $14.99 $5.99 60%
2021-07-19 2021-10-20 $14.99 $14.99 -
2021-10-20 2021-10-25 $14.99 $5.24 65%
2021-10-25 2021-10-27 $14.99 $14.99 -
2021-10-27 2021-11-03 $14.99 $5.24 65%
2021-11-03 2021-11-26 $14.99 $14.99 -
2021-11-26 2021-12-03 $14.99 $5.24 65%
2021-12-03 2021-12-13 $14.99 $14.99 -
2021-12-13 2022-01-05 $14.99 $5.24 65%
2022-01-05 2022-01-24 $14.99 $14.99 -
2022-01-24 2022-01-31 $14.99 $5.24 65%
2022-01-31 2022-02-14 $14.99 $14.99 -
2022-02-14 2022-02-21 $14.99 $5.24 65%
2022-02-21 2022-03-21 $14.99 $14.99 -
2022-03-21 2022-04-04 $14.99 $5.24 65%
2022-04-04 2022-04-22 $14.99 $14.99 -
2022-04-22 2022-04-29 $14.99 $3.74 75%
2022-04-29 2022-06-06 $14.99 $14.99 -
2022-06-06 2022-06-27 $14.99 $5.24 65%
2022-06-27 2022-07-13 $14.99 $14.99 -
2022-07-13 2022-07-24 $14.99 $5.24 65%
2022-07-24 2022-07-25 $14.99 $14.99 -
2022-07-25 2022-08-01 $14.99 $5.24 65%
2022-08-01 2022-08-22 $14.99 $14.99 -
2022-08-22 2022-09-05 $14.99 $5.24 65%
2022-09-05 2022-10-27 $14.99 $14.99 -
2022-10-27 2022-11-03 $14.99 $5.24 65%
2022-11-03 2022-11-23 $14.99 $14.99 -
2022-11-23 2022-11-30 $14.99 $5.24 65%
2022-11-30 2022-12-12 $14.99 $14.99 -
2022-12-12 2023-01-02 $14.99 $5.24 65%
2023-01-02 2023-02-13 $14.99 $14.99 -
2023-02-13 2023-02-20 $14.99 $5.24 65%
2023-02-20 2023-03-20 $14.99 $14.99 -
2023-03-20 2023-04-03 $14.99 $5.24 65%
2023-04-03 2023-04-13 $14.99 $14.99 -
2023-04-13 2023-04-28 $14.99 $3.74 75%
2023-04-28 2023-06-11 $14.99 $14.99 -
2023-06-11 2023-07-03 $14.99 $5.99 60%
2023-07-03 2023-09-11 $14.99 $14.99 -
2023-09-11 2023-09-18 $14.99 $5.24 65%
2023-09-18 2023-10-25 $14.99 $14.99 -
2023-10-25 2023-11-01 $14.99 $5.24 65%
2023-11-01 2023-11-21 $14.99 $14.99 -
2023-11-21 2023-11-28 $14.99 $5.24 65%
2023-11-28 2023-12-13 $14.99 $14.99 -
2023-12-13 2024-01-04 $14.99 $5.24 65%
2024-01-04 2024-01-25 $14.99 $14.99 -
2024-01-25 2024-02-06 $14.99 $5.24 65%
2024-02-06 2024-02-14 $14.99 $14.99 -
2024-02-14 2024-02-22 $14.99 $5.24 65%
2024-02-22 2024-03-06 $14.99 $14.99 -
2024-03-06 2024-03-14 $14.99 $4.49 70%
2024-03-14 2024-06-19 $14.99 $14.99 -
2024-06-19 2024-07-11 $14.99 $4.49 70%
2024-07-11 2024-08-26 $14.99 $14.99 -
2024-08-26 2024-09-10 $14.99 $4.49 70%
2024-09-10 2024-11-05 $14.99 $14.99 -
2024-11-05 2024-11-12 $14.99 $4.49 70%
2024-11-12 2024-11-19 $14.99 $14.99 -
2024-11-19 2024-12-04 $14.99 $4.49 70%
2024-12-04 2024-12-05 $14.99 $14.99 -
To view old (pre 2019) price data click here.


Slug epistory_typing_chronicles
Tags Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Features Achievements, Leaderboards, Overlay, Single-player
Localizations Chinese Simplified, Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Spanish
Is using Dosbox No
Supported sytems W M L
Content system compatibility W M
Added to DB on No data

Store Details

Global release date 2016-03-30
GOG release date 2016-10-18
Store state default
Age rating No rating
Is in development No
Store link https://www.gog.com/game/epistory_typing_chronicles
Forum link https://www.gog.com/forum/epistory_typing_chronicles
Support link https://www.gog.com/support/epistory_typing_chronicles


Logo https://images.gog-statics.com/93eb2a4ae4d4dfce4173b764d083f009326ebc9007202118f8b8d52e6ca82322.jpg
Background https://images.gog-statics.com/fa53cf50d159bb307abaa47fee42cfca4983f28e8f671352e2b4c40e7a3a3d29.jpg
Icon https://images.gog-statics.com/8b0748bc0b9d0de131c186269c4fd6f33240dd9d0303b2cc5ac73d02abc1938e.jpg
Galaxy background https://images.gog-statics.com/700bf60669ee7fa78ccf170ea30b754f9106ca0c8d19a4992041b215df19ce7b.jpg
Boxart https://images.gog-statics.com/3021bc5c0a005c3746c283f479f8df4982bf653ca09d777dc0a6f2f30cb506eb.jpg
Square icon

API Links

Galaxy API https://api.gog.com/products/1986504189?expand=downloads,expanded_dlcs,description,screenshots,videos,related_products,changelog
Store API https://api.gog.com/v2/games/1986504189
Store API V1 (deprecated) https://api.gog.com/v1/games/1986504189
Galaxy GamesDB https://gamesdb.gog.com/platforms/gog/external_releases/1986504189
Builds Windows https://content-system.gog.com/products/1986504189/os/windows/builds?generation=2
Builds macOS https://content-system.gog.com/products/1986504189/os/osx/builds?generation=2
GOG DB data https://www.gogdb.org/data/products/1986504189

Third Party Sites

PCGamingWiki https://pcgamingwiki.com/api/gog.php?page=1986504189
No references to other games.


Name OS Language Size Version
Epistory - Typing Chronicles W English 685.8 MB 1.4.1G
Epistory - Typing Chronicles M English 653.3 MB 1.4.1G
Epistory - Typing Chronicles L English 637.5 MB 1.4


Name OS Language Size Version
Epistory - Typing Chronicles 32-bit W English 690.0 MB 1.4.1G

Bonus content

Name Type Size Count
Wallpapers Wallpapers 3.1 MB 1


Build ID OS Version Date Gen Repository ID
51721867244325186 M 1.4.1G 2018-11-05 2 1a064c928ff50a2d13c5943cf499d7a8
51721863762168652 W 1.4.1G 2018-11-05 2 0e6cbd923f39e466857bfc69cbd68f37
51701588959659553 M 1.4G 2018-10-29 2 c0b6c3e44307d5b9662cb77b8541d2af
51701573820865406 W 1.4G 2018-10-29 2 c4bb1b84d8c1deb166d7ae14bf944566
51306690245166657 M 1.4 2018-06-15 2 0d43807a0da4529bd53fad52bdd462ba
51306518703033666 W 1.4 2018-06-15 2 63a1b3e0d0cbc8f464030ec1f9e14f8f
50228726635716153 M 1.3.5 2017-06-08 2 01092b0850ea3698039596fc61003a4d
50226029058232261 W 1.3.5 2017-06-07 2 529624b3661fb9d8c2cee03bcfcabcea
49756053701656797 M 1.3.1 gog 3 2016-12-27 2 61d90f50d33416161480d008b075c33e
49755465796769204 W 1.3.1 gog 3 2016-12-27 2 cf869205336ba2542e995e721f7cb806
49550515151999034 M 1.3.0G 2016-10-17 2 2cd76170116c002807d81730b39b893f
49550465696059122 W 1.3.0G 2016-10-17 2 f426c5ebac085bcc5fa05a6fd0ba5c59




This game has official release notes, you can read them here.
o Download changed: Installer, Epistory - Typing Chronicles, Windows, en
Version 1.4.1G ⇒ 1.4.1G, Size 1.4 GB ⇒ 685.8 MB
o Download changed: Patch, Epistory - Typing Chronicles 32-bit, Windows, en
Version 1.4G ⇒ 1.4.1G, Size 692.1 MB ⇒ 690.0 MB
o Download changed: Installer, Epistory - Typing Chronicles, Windows, en
Version 1.4G ⇒ 1.4.1G, Size 687.9 MB ⇒ 1.4 GB
o Download changed: Installer, Epistory - Typing Chronicles, Mac, en
Version 1.4G ⇒ 1.4.1G, Size 653.3 MB ⇒ 653.3 MB
o Download changed: Installer, Epistory - Typing Chronicles, Mac, en
Version 1.4 ⇒ 1.4G, Size 642.8 MB ⇒ 653.3 MB
o Download changed: Installer, Epistory - Typing Chronicles, Windows, en
Version 1.4 ⇒ 1.4G, Size 684.7 MB ⇒ 687.9 MB
o Download changed: Patch, Epistory - Typing Chronicles 32-bit, Windows, en
Version 1.4 ⇒ 1.4G, Size 688.9 MB ⇒ 692.1 MB
o Download changed: Installer, Epistory - Typing Chronicles, Windows, en
Version 1.3.5 ⇒ 1.4, Size 579.9 MB ⇒ 684.7 MB
o Download changed: Installer, Epistory - Typing Chronicles, Linux, en
Version 1.3.5 (gog-3) ⇒ 1.4, Size 575.7 MB ⇒ 637.5 MB
o Download changed: Installer, Epistory - Typing Chronicles, Mac, en
Version 1.3.5 ⇒ 1.4, Size 642.8 MB ⇒ 642.8 MB
- Download removed: Patch, 1.3.5 (32 bit), Windows, en
Version None, Size 571.5 MB
+ Download added: Patch, Epistory - Typing Chronicles 32-bit, Windows, en
Version 1.4, Size 688.9 MB