Release Notes for Kainga: Seeds of Civilization
Update v1.0.18 (April 5th 2023)
- Removed the Demo text that was appearing
- You can no longer deselect the Thinker in the Skyloft using control groups
- Serrano can now climb to the top of Ice Ridge
- Added 5 more Skylines designs!
- Landmark festivals can now be properly repaired after being destroyed
- Added a bunch more possibilities for synergies to hit (especially combat units)
- Synergies now show the correct combination when activated
- Changed some funerals to be synergy techs
- Fixed the gift baskets to not be christmas gifts
- Introduction cutscene won’t play twice for new players
- Tutorial’s camera starts in the right direction
- Starting braves in the tutorial won’t be buried underground
- You won’t get karma for being allied in the tutorial
- A lot of other minor changes