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AI War 2 - Build 57663086506295910

Basic Info

Build ID 57663086506295910
Install directory AI War 2/
Root product ID 1895572517
Build pubished 2024-06-15 23:37
Branch Not set
Version 5.603
URL https://gog-cdn-fastly.gog.com/content-system/v2/meta/b6/56/b65625e711011aedef46c82686012ebc
Tags csb_10_6_1_w_158, galaxy
Client ID 51402763839757534
Client secret 17e8ba91efa6d24917664ed41201070fac9cf07a3e5f6fc4598031d8325daa03
Dependencies None
Script interpreter True
Generation 2


Name Product ID Script Temp executable Temp arguments
AI War 2 1895572517
AI War 2: The Spire Rises 1889174592
AI War 2: Zenith Onslaught 1512994101
AI War 2: The Neinzul Abyss 1971284855


Languages Product ID Size Bitness Attribute Manifest ID
en-US 1895572517 1.6 GB Any 6f2dffafe98d4022499aab0c4e78fc70
en-US 1895572517 2.0 GB Any e23fae6f860d2ac21b6b8488d4fbbb84
en-US 1895572517 396.4 kB Any GOG e998b8c53d41b101683356e21414a0a8
en-US 1895572517 952 Bytes Any GOG 1bfec90c18c3e819a2ecf1d2592f8b5d
en-US 1895572517 17.2 MB Any 8c07cdcb60a383fdca1e64d284b131de
en-US 1889174592 491.3 MB Any c6b0836ba5d69eb1593638798dc44578
en-US 1889174592 2.8 kB Any GOG 2402a065520a341b7eb4c33779fc6efd
en-US 1889174592 284 Bytes Any GOG abdea31d96468732242b50565e1a81ca
en-US 1512994101 818.0 MB Any bfc76eecb836bcbb022d250398a7e166
en-US 1512994101 3.6 kB Any GOG 5012506fdb012ce95b8b2407db43ac27
en-US 1512994101 285 Bytes Any GOG fff483b41c77751e360571dac9405de9
en-US 1971284855 755.5 MB Any ce2ef8c8964e75be4dcf2ba62bb82e33
en-US 1971284855 3.9 kB Any GOG 0981295b8645b8ac4986a38666571e3e
en-US 1971284855 286 Bytes Any GOG 35df40c2f597f62951efcdc8cc9df2a7
* 1895572517 3.9 kB Any Offline 73cd7bc3471f2efe55b65d0161e9b185