Update 1.9.2 (24/05/2022)
- Improved descriptions in the building menu
- Fixed the building restoration (it disappeared with the last patch)
- Cleaned up the Milestone Menu
- Adjusted Balancing of buildings
- Improved photo mode when taking a picture of the building
- Added filters for the objects
- Improved various models
- Improved collision for quite a few objects
- Camera is set to free cam per default now in the editor
Update 1.9.1 (13/05/2022)
- Hotfix for the latest update as for some players resources were not available anymore in the New York Map.
Update 1.9 (12/05/2022)
- Building Editor
- Improved collisions for the decoration tool
- Small comfort functions from the Editor added to the decoration tool
- Streets can become one way roads again - sorry for the hiccup
Update 1.8 (25/04/2022)
- Reduced the number of people on the streets near industry buildings
- Milestone Rebalancing
- Improved Melters now need less production resources
- Powerplants produce 50 - 100% more energy
- Fixed overlapping texts in the milestone menu
- Improved various buildings
- Massive improvements for the japanese texts
- Improved street textures
- Added quite a bunch of new sounds
- Reduced the noise of doves
- Performence improved
- Tutorial will be continued after loading a game
- Trade menu: When setting up the sliders, the tooltip will fade out
Update 1.7 (05/04/22)
Greetings Builders,
Thank you all for your feedback. We're working hard on improving the game and adding new content. The building editor is making quite some progress and we're quite positive that April is still realistic for the release. We've got tons of other things on our list as well, from improving the landscaping tool to adding shopping malls to improving the traffic system (and yes, also working on the streets itself). These things will take some time. In the meantime we plan to update the game itself with regular patches every one or two weeks.
A new update has just been released. The full changelog is here:
- Most industry buildings can now be moved (Button is located in the building menu)
- When removing waterpipes, the system with the most knots will stay active
- Resource-Icons on vehicles scale with the camera distance
- Two more buyable areas have been added to certain milestones
- Heavily improved the Unreal Garbage Collection (this should also reduce the number of crashes*)
- Fixed a crashbug in the trading system
- Fixed a crashbug in the loading system
- Resource Statistics now calculate deactivated buildings correctly
- Production increased for Mill and Backer
- Winepress now needs glass instead of iron
- Removed noise from parks for now
- Some later unlocked production buildings now need more workers and offices
- In the options you can now activate that audio continues while you have tabbed out of the game
- Fixed multiple translation errors in various languages (Japanese update incoming soon, other languages in the future as well)
- Unreal Engine 4 Logo now doesn't do that white flash at the beginning
- Trading menu has a new tooltip
- Harbor must be activated to work
- Buying a new area doesn't open an empty menu anymore when clicking on that area
- On the crashing: You can share crashreports and savegames with us. We hope that with fixing the garbage collection most of the crashes should be gone for now (We have the game now running without a crash since 6 hours on various machines with previously crashing savegames). But you never know. So we're really thankful for the reports as they help us improving the game a lot.
Update 1.6 (29/03/22)
- Added a Button to open the folder with Savegames in the Load & Save Menu
- Autosave-timing deactivated if the frame is less than 5 minutes
- DirectX12 hidden in Advanced Options for now due to crashbugs related to it. If DirectX12 is selected, it won't be hidden anymore however
- Waterpipes can be placed correctly in Water
- If a game gets saved manually, autosave counter gets reset
- Calculation of people in the population menu is now displayed correctly
Update 1.5 (28/03/22)
- Buildings can now be placed on crossroads a bit better (still not perfect, but we're working on it)
- Collision for buildings and streets is a bit more tolerant now
- If the mod "Buy all Fields" is active the number now only displays the correct number of areas which are still buyable
- The Icon for no street connection is now displayed correctly
- Number of workers gets now displayed correctly in the menu
- City budget menu performance improved
- Costs of leisure buildings is now displayed correctly
- The demolish tool now offers a new mode which allows you to destroy buildings and zones at the same time
- Collision with buildings and the mouse cursor during deactivated when you use the demolish tool
- Reduced noise of doves
- Building menu for glass now only gets displayed if the player has unlocked it already
- When switching to DirectX12 a warning gets displayed explaining the issue a bit further
- Sandbox mode now can be started with all milestones unlocked
- Improved quite a few translations in English and German (other languages will be taken care of in the coming weeks)
- Improved buildings farms on landscapes
- In the options the correct name for "KeyShowAnimation" now gets displayed
- Terraforming options now get saved
- Updated the resources on the world map menu for all three maps
- The Issue-Icons on the top left corner now display the correct number of missing resources
- Wind Turbine now gets highlighted correctly with a mouseover
- Adjusted gamespeed a bit
- Building Information for Warehouses gets displayed correctly now
- Decoration mode gets exited correctly if there is still an object on the mouse cursor
- Scrolling on the borders of screen is now possible even if there are menus
- Adjusted costs for level 5 zones
- Increased production of Paper Mill and Printing House
- Decoration mode: Icons for Location, Rotation and Scale now get displayed correctly
- Increased Reasearch Points slightly for TradingCapacity