Home Products Changelog

Corpse Party: Book of Shadows - Build 52052456025438066

Basic Info

Build ID 52052456025438066
Install directory Corpse Party Book of Shadows/
Root product ID 1856356886
Build published 2019-02-27 16:19
Branch Not set
Version 2019.02.27
URL https://gog-cdn-fastly.gog.com/content-system/v2/meta/1c/d1/1cd1b32c299fa79fb3e631a5262220d4
Tags csb_10_5_2_w_92, galaxy
Client ID 51442838941900656
Client secret 111c7fecc7ba26918a8279ab45060f8bbf089611c35c5ec6ba3df393262b1793
Dependencies DirectX, MSVC2008
Script interpreter True
Generation 2


Name Product ID Script Temp executable Temp arguments
Corpse Party: Book of Shadows 1856356886


Languages Product ID Size Bitness Attribute Manifest ID
* 1856356886 5.5 GB Any 9a9fda8e287878ec83fb3ec01611e4df
* 1856356886 758 Bytes Any GOG 69adac70f478ba7b5559ee197cc66e7e
* 1856356886 782 Bytes Any GOG c8481ad6d2f93f52ddf4945fda7feb62
* 1856356886 1.8 kB Any Offline b6aa49aba4c3bee2e9b541e7416ff2cd