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Release Notes for Graveyard Keeper

Version 1.405

Version 1.404

Version 1.403

For DLC Better Save Soul:

Version 1.402

Version 1.401

Version 1.4

Version 1.310

  1. Fixed bug when Camp Quality was shown as 0 in some cases.
  2. Fixed an issue where sounds continued to play when exiting the main menu.
  3. Fixed a bug where the lighting in the basement was broken when entering it through the tavern.
  4. Now Aristocrat Papers can be bought more than once.
  5. Fixed an issue where the crate rack in the tavern basement may not be displayed.

Version 1.309

  1. Fixed a bug when in some cases an object could be missing when dragged into a bag.
  2. Fixed a bug where the Garden Beds in the "Refugee camp" that had ceased to produce crops.
  3. fixed a bug where the player's health bar remained in the main menu.
  4. fixed a bug where the quality of the settlement was shown as 0 in some cases.
  5. Fixed a bug where the "Refugee camp" had not produced water in the well.

Version 1.308

  1. Fixed the bug when the character's interface was broken during the removal of objects in the Refugee camp.
  2. Added ambient sounds.
  3. Сorrected wrong music in the cut-scene with Beatrice at the marina.
  4. Buffs icons are now hidden during the cut-scene.
  5. Added ability to remove beehives in Apiary.

Version 1.307

The refugee camp quality is now displayed correctly.

Version 1.306

  1. Added Polish and Italian localizations to the "Game of Crone" DLC.
  2. Now items can be bought to a bag and sold from a bags.
  3. Now bags are shown in the trade window as well as in chests.
  4. Changed the cut-scene with Clotho's memories.
  5. Fixed a bug where Miss Сhain was able to walk away from the pier when the game was saved.
  6. Fixed bug when Camp Quality was shown as 0 in some cases.
  7. Fixed a bug that could lead to the loss of seeds in zombie farm.
  8. Corrected sound and music in the dungeon.
  9. Miss Chain's voice changed.

Version 1.305

  1. Fixed bug, when cutscene with Koukol stuck in some cases.
  2. Fixed bug, when the Golem near the Witch Hill can go to the mountains.
  3. Fixed bug, when church quality increased by 10 in some cases.
  4. Fixed bug with relation bar, when redundant relation changes appeared in some cases.
  5. Fixed bug, when the task to ask Teodoro about vampires not removed.
  6. Fixed bug in the cutscene with Ms. Chain in the tavern, when Keeper asks about Misty Quagmire.
  7. Fixed bug, when water in automatic water well was invisible for crafts in the zone.
  8. Fixed bug, when mobs played sounds after dying.
  9. Added sound for opening and closing bags in inventory.
  10. Fixed bug, when after moving a bag to and from a chest, a gamepad cursor was selecting the first item in inventory.

Version 1.304

  1. Changed logic of donkey arrival: now he comes to start the or to pick up the even if there is no place for a new corpse or not enough carrots in the carrot box.
  2. Fixed bug, when removing garden beds in refugee camp worked incorrectly.
  3. Fixed bug, when bush in camp garden prevented building garden beds.
  4. Changed cutscenes and dialogs in the storyline:
    1. with Beatrice: now more obvious, when Keeper chooses .
    2. with Teodoro: now the player is being warned before refugees are .
  5. Now Zombies can craft Memory tincture in Zombie alchemy workbench after Keeper crafts it once by self.
  6. The goal on Teodoro "Ask him about Misty Quagmire when your part of the bargain is complete" now correctly removes.
  7. Fixed bug, when perks "Industriousness" and "Eloquence" were given both. Only one of the perks should be issued, depending on the ending.

Version 1.303

  1. Fixed critical bug: in Craft UI if there are more than three perks and buffs that affect craft quality, Craft UI brakes.
  2. Fixed softlock: when after talking with Koukol Keeper not talked with Teodoro about
  3. Donkey's task to take Piece of donkey hair finishes correctly.
  4. If refugees refugee happiness resets to 0.
  5. Task to craft now says where to find it.
  6. Small fixes in Spanish localisation.

Version 1.302

  1. Achievements that were not received earlier due to an error will be returned.
  2. Fixed missing Japanese hieroglyphs.
  3. Fixed critical stuck with Memory Powder item (which is needed for memory tincture) - now you can get it from Clotho.
  4. Now water and pail of water can be inserted in Food bags.
  5. Fixed localization error in Portuguese.

Version 1.301

  1. The prayers are fixed.
  2. Achievements in DLC are now issued correctly. Important: all non received achievements will be returned with the next update. There is no need to replay the game!
  3. Fixed bug when the log file became too large. This could have been the cause of performance problems.
  4. Balance corrections.

Version 1.3

  1. Fixed a lot of bugs.
  2. Fixed mistakes in localization.
  3. Added new sounds for mobs.
  4. Added new sounds for objects and the environment.

Update 1.206 (23 January 2020)

Update 1.205 (06 November 2019)

Update 1.204 (05 November 2019)

Update 1.203 (01 November 2019)

Update 1.202 (31 October 2019)

Update 1.201 (29 October 2019)

Update 1.200 Stranger Sins DLC (28 October 2019)

Update 1.124V2 (29 May 2019)

Update 1.120 (7 December 2018)

Update 1.110 (19 November 2018)

Update 1.109 (14 November 2018)

Update 1.108 (13 November 2018)

Update 1.107 (08 November 2018)

Update 1.106 (07 November 2018)

Update 1.105 (02 November 2018)

Update 1.104 (31 October 2018)

Update 1.103 (30 October 2018)

Update 1.102 (30 October 2018)

Update 1.100 (29 October 2018)

Update 1.100 (29 October 2018)

Update 1.037 (08 October 2018)

Update 1.035 & 1.036 (05 October 2018)

Update 1.034 (24 September 2018)

Update 1.033 (21 September 2018)

Update 1.032 (18 September 2018)

Update 1.031 (10 September 2018)

Update 1.030 (29 August 2018)

Update 1.029 (29 August 2018)

Update 1.028 (24 August 2018)

Update 1.027 (23 August 2018)

Update 1.026 (22 August 2018)

Update 1.025 (21 August 2018)

Update 1.024 (18 August 2018)

Update 1.023 (18 August 2018)

Update 1.022 (17 August 2018)

Update 1.021 (17 August 2018)