Patch 2 (15 October 2018)
Heh??? We made the tragic mistake of changing physics in our last patch, and boy howdy did that cause some problems! Thankfully you've all been gracious and patient with us as we cleared up the new problems as well as some old ones. Here's newly fixed stuff:
- Act 1: Bard leaps lower out of bed on low framerates
- Act 3: Able to jump over certain room exit
- Act 5: Launch distance from bubbles reduced on low framerates
- Act 5: Infinite hug
- Act 6: Birds don't launch very far
- Act 6: Birds STILL don't always respawn
- Act 6: Partner character's pathing not great on low framerates
- Act 6: Some platforming near the end is a bit high for the bard's jump height on some framerates
- Act 7: Reloading the big confrontation would have some heads swapped
- Post-game: Scene select animated to frames and not deltatime
Some Mac users are still seeing memory-related crashes, which we think is an engine issue, and we're talking to Yoyogames about this. Other than that, we're actually quite close to fixing all known issues on PC, which is a big deal! (Can't wait to inadvertently summon many more with this claim, LOL).
Patch 1 (9 October 2018)
- General: Consistent jump height and more stable physics at different framerates! This should help clear a lot of the generally "buggy" issues players have commented on. If the game feels choppy, I still highly recommend lowering resolution and/or playing windowed--the game feels really great when playing at full speed!
- Act 4: able to progress story without officially recruiting characters
- Act 5: optional leaf on map appears to be required to progress story
- Act 6: birds don't always respawn
- Act 6: wind changing directions a bit futzy in one segment
- Act 6: softlock with Audrey during bug sequence
- Act 6: A set of jumps are very high and a bit difficult
- Post-game: Gabe can't be interacted with