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Jenni's DONG has got it GOIN' ON: The Jenni Trilogy

Product ID 1712860462
Product type Game
API availability Unavailable
In store No
Developers The Poundry
Publisher TinyHat Studios
Last updated 2024-08-02 12:47
This product can't currently be accessed, so the data might be outdated!
Prices Details References Downloads Builds Media Changelog


Start End Base Final Discount
2023-05-08 2023-05-15 $9.99 $7.99 20%
2023-05-15 2023-06-23 $9.99 $9.99 -
2023-06-23 2023-06-25 $9.99 $7.49 25%
2023-06-25 2023-06-29 $9.99 $9.99 -
2023-06-29 2023-07-03 $9.99 $7.49 25%
2023-07-03 2023-07-20 $9.99 $9.99 -
2023-07-20 2023-07-31 $9.99 $7.49 25%
2023-07-31 2023-08-28 $9.99 $9.99 -
2023-08-28 2023-09-11 $9.99 $7.49 25%
2023-09-11 2023-11-15 $9.99 $9.99 -
2023-11-15 2023-11-21 $9.99 $7.49 25%
2023-11-21 2023-11-28 $9.99 $5.49 45%
2023-11-28 2023-12-13 $9.99 $9.99 -
2023-12-13 2024-01-04 $9.99 $4.99 50%
2024-01-04 2024-01-09 $9.99 $9.99 -
2024-01-09 2024-01-23 $9.99 $4.99 50%
2024-01-23 2024-02-05 $9.99 $9.99 -
2024-02-05 2024-02-13 $9.99 $4.99 50%
2024-02-13 2024-02-14 $9.99 $9.99 -
2024-02-14 2024-02-22 $9.99 $5.99 40%
2024-02-22 2024-03-12 $9.99 $9.99 -
2024-03-12 2024-03-19 $9.99 $4.99 50%
2024-03-19 2024-03-19 $9.99 $9.99 -
2024-03-19 2024-03-19 $9.99 $4.99 50%
2024-03-19 2024-04-03 $9.99 $9.99 -
2024-04-03 2024-04-11 $9.99 $4.99 50%
2024-04-11 2024-04-18 $9.99 $9.99 -
2024-04-18 2024-04-26 $9.99 $4.99 50%
2024-04-26 2024-05-08 $9.99 $9.99 -
2024-05-08 2024-05-16 $9.99 $4.99 50%
2024-05-16 2024-05-31 $9.99 $9.99 -
2024-05-31 2024-06-15 $9.99 $4.99 50%
2024-06-15 2024-07-11 $9.99 $9.99 -
2024-07-11 2024-07-22 $9.99 $4.99 50%
2024-07-22 2024-08-02 $9.99 $9.99 -
2024-08-02 2024-12-22 - - -
To view old (pre 2019) price data click here.


Slug jennis_dong_has_got_it_goin_on_the_jenni_trilogy
Tags Comedy, Simulation, Visual Novel
Features Overlay, Single-player
Localizations English
Is using Dosbox No
Supported sytems W
Content system compatibility W
Added to DB on 2023-05-08

Store Details

Global release date 2023-05-07
GOG release date 2023-05-08
Store state None
Age rating 18
Is in development No
Store link No data
Forum link https://www.gog.com/forum/jennis_dong_has_got_it_goin_on_the_jenni_trilogy
Support link https://www.gog.com/support/jennis_dong_has_got_it_goin_on_the_jenni_trilogy


Logo https://images.gog-statics.com/fc775848213d443772f526188c1d10c61d28c22f92bf73a8ed675e73413ca99f.jpg
Background https://images.gog-statics.com/88ef45f5ce6d058e3de5db63e95ba5d04c6ef2c6dbfdd2452f139f635fdf734c.jpg
Icon https://images.gog-statics.com/bd5265bdd08d68b2ca17e11a80a37e3c87674fb5e86c016b0082ce7cb8314d4f.jpg
Galaxy background https://images.gog-statics.com/76f6abfc697ee6fb7d7a6393693a4888dac0e65347b5712135be3437260c0239.jpg
Boxart https://images.gog-statics.com/78aa4f8cb210fa882ba0d7f341a90985eee87e44c6afcd9df8bc113bd52616e3.jpg
Square icon https://images.gog-statics.com/ebd5514e29c0cdf3614de86ad29b6ea4db26eb8344ddca6fc91c28b0deb6dff6.jpg

API Links

Galaxy API https://api.gog.com/products/1712860462?expand=downloads,expanded_dlcs,description,screenshots,videos,related_products,changelog
Store API https://api.gog.com/v2/games/1712860462
Store API V1 (deprecated) https://api.gog.com/v1/games/1712860462
Galaxy GamesDB https://gamesdb.gog.com/platforms/gog/external_releases/1712860462
Builds Windows https://content-system.gog.com/products/1712860462/os/windows/builds?generation=2
Builds macOS Unavailable
GOG DB data https://www.gogdb.org/data/products/1712860462
No references to other games.


Name OS Language Size Version
Jenni's DONG has got it GOIN' ON: The Jenni Trilogy W English 508.6 MB 1.01RC3


Build ID OS Version Date Gen Repository ID
56493282278469960 W 1.03 2023-05-09 2 4f5e4f7a4ab9dd988377a87b995b3847
56491189121101530 W 1.01RC3 2023-05-08 2 50b958ca5185b7191391cc3ffeecda75



o Download changed: Installer, Jenni's DONG has got it GOIN' ON: The Jenni Trilogy, Windows, en
Version 1.0 ⇒ 1.01RC3, Size 331.4 MB ⇒ 508.6 MB
+ Build added: 56493282278469960 2023-05-09
+ Product added to DB 2023-05-08