Patch V1.1.6.0 (28th December 2024)
- Added North America with USA, Canada and Mexico
- Added 2 new Interwar unique tanks: T1E1 Cunnigham and M1921
- Added multiple filter selection for designs\components
- Introduced group attribute values for Design and Engineering scenes
- Unified attribute value calculation between Contracts and Design scene
- Revisited contract window by explicitly showing success score per attributes and groups
- Enable staff management (workers and engineers) from anywhere in the game
- Save selected "sorting/filter" options (per scene)
Changes and Balance
- Defect “fix” button relocated to tank item
- Defect amendment costs increased but no longer requires factory tests to be conducted at Proving grounds
- Proving Grounds is temporary disabled until new game mechanics is in place
- Diminishing return formula for attribute for multiple entities replaced with “maximum”
- Added alloys for Era 1 and 2 for France/Germany/USA/Russia
- Increased crew slots for LK2_Ausf B with 1 extra slot
- Increased max weight for Leichtwagen with 500
- Increased crew slots for Medium Mark1 with 1 extra slot
- Increased internal volume for Light Mark E with 1t
- Add locales for new buttons in toolbar
- Tank fame generation revisited (nerfed)
- Sight Tier 1 mods revisited
- Removed "commander bonus" for Sight Tier 1 Mk2 mod
- Add colouring of attribute group sum
- Add defect display due to missing crew requirements in Design bureaux
- Add filtering components and mod compatibility by era
- Save in-game settings for each new game save file
- Added designed tank roles specification in
- Add text in the tooltip about reputation and add a supporting icon in contract
- Added tooltip for new "defect amend" button
- Added wrap scroll for news list
- Wrong preview of Ricardo PU in Design when completing a tank design
- Unified rounding of attributes values in design
- Fixed broken cameras on some tanks
- Filtering of tank roles didn't work properly in espionage center
- Lk2 Ausf A weapon had incorrect placement and was outside the hull on Test drive
- Fixed "Esc" handling for dialogs and windows.
- Fixed an issue in Workshop when new component markers appeared in the engineering
- Fixed incorrect percentage of completeness for components in reverse engineering
- Fixed broken camera for several components on Mark I with Centipede
- Fixed applying camouflage for tanks designs in "Design".
- FT-17 and Lutin tracks inserts has wrong direction on test drive
- Fixed an issue when the achievement progress bar in era II was normed not to 400k
- Non-existent countries in the tooltip of the adopted roles window in the assistant
- Fixed incorrect value of the sum of attributes on the item of rival designs
- Dahu tracks inserts Light Grouses и Grouses are not displayed
- Seals wrongly counted as Turrets/MG or Guns
- The head of the German Empire headquarters was shown without a name
- Fixed a bug when KWK 36 37/L45 fires two shells at once
- Wrong Success Score colouring in contract
- Fixed memory leak in long-time game session
- Expand list of attributes for crew requirements in Tutorial
- Fixed an issue when capacity of the logistics company was not updated when the contract expires the day before the end of delivery
- Very small font in tooltip with long designs names
- Fixed orientation of the Tarasque tracks on test drive
Patch V1.1.5.1 (24th November 2024)
- Fixed exception in "Sandbox" mode caused by opening "Tank Roles" window
Patch V1.1.5.0 (23rd November 2024)
- New "Little Willy" tank added
- Added additional Tutorial mode
- Espionage feature added
- Design Assistant for tanks design creation
- Added "Hardcore" game mode
- Added ability to "Dismiss" contracts
- Added new attribute and facility to Administration quarter
- Added Tutorial rewards
- Facility construction revisited
- Added detailed game stats to the end-game window
- Accident risk chance reduced
- Increased resource production rates, especially for Interwar Era
- Components rebalance a. Improved Material de 75/L36 b. Improved SfK 57/L26
c. Improved Mk2 Male d. Increased maximum weight for "Lutin" RG e. Decreased costs for Quinotar RG f. Improved KwK 37 75/L24 g. Increased maximum weight for "Pegasus” Mk2 h. Added one extra crew slot for CA-17 FT Hull i. Add shell and ammo sockets for A7V
- The following modifications now influence crew requirements a. “Gun breech” reduces “Loader” requirements b. “Gun optics” reduces “Gunner” requirements c. “MG stock” reduces “Gunner” requirements d. “Transmission” reduces “Mechanic” requirements e. “Suspension” reduces “Mechanic” requirements f. “Radio” reduces “Commander” requirements g. “Internal comm” reduces “Commander” and “Driver” requirements
- Added active process markers for all buildings
- Added Idle worker markers
- Added designed tank roles specification in
- Outdated “mini tutorial” and “dynamic legend” are disabled
- Added contracts indices to Contract application centre
- Allowed tanks repainting without design changing
- Museum is currently completely to avoid confusion
- Increased UI scrolling speed by x3
- Fixed the bug that led to unlimited growth of tank regiment size
- Fixed. Autosave didn't save state after new game started
- Fixed the bug that sometimes yielded negative tank amount in the warehouse
- Fixed. Heavy mkV V.2 was always failing the trial range test
- Fixed. Game couldn’t start without internet access
- Fixed percentage cumulative resistance expressed in % instead of numerical
- Fixed a bug that caused different values for the number of tanks in the contracts window and in the news
- Fixed a bug causing no application of Localization and Optimization bonuses
- Fixed: a. LK2 AUSFB PU Phantom I6 carburettor Diaphragm outside the hull b. Light Mark E Type B PU Renault i4 MLE2 outside the hull
Patch V1.1.3.0 (3rd June 2024)
Greetings, Arms Dealers! Patch is finally available for you!
This patch introduces a lot of changes to the game with the focus on tank contracts and relation building with the customer countries. The tank design process has also been revisited, allowing players to tweak the armour protection of structural components and making tank “cloning” a more playable option.
More efforts have also been spent on the QoL side, with the most prominent ones being the possibility to advance time from anywhere in the game, addition of various filters and sorting options and enriching multiple tooltips with useful info. Components have been the subject of a major overhaul, resulting in more variation between individual modifications.
As always, we also did a good portion of bug hunting and corrections. Please, have a look at the complete Patch details below or check the update note directly from the game.
Last but not least, the next update ( will finally introduce something that many have been requesting - a totally new content, the Interbellum tanks. The tanks that will be added are an interesting mix of rare and iconic tanks from the Interwar epoch and we truly hope that you will enjoy them as you progress through the game.
The team is working diligently to bring you the next update as soon as possible. However, in order to ensure a polished and high-quality release, we must shift the timeline slightly. You can expect the update to be available in the near future.
We greatly appreciate your continued understanding and patience.
FunGI Team
Update content:
Country diplomacy is revisited. A new, tier reputation system is introduced with various negotiation options coupled to reputation tier of the country
Reputation points are added to the game. These points are acquired by successful fulfilling the contracts, generated by several new facilities, administrator perks or attained as achievement rewards
Armor thickness of structural components is now adjustable from the Engineering Bureaux. Note that extra protection comes at higher mass and production costs!
Contract system is revisited:
Contract lobbying is now introduced. Depending on your reputation Tier with the contract, you can initiate limited number of tank contracts if the conditions are met. This feature is accessible from the diplomacy screen of the corresponding country
Introduced cancellation mechanics. Now, you can cancel, at any time, the accepted contract and monetise delivered tanks at the cost of the cancellation fee. Note, this fee is dynamic and will increase as the contract approached the deadline
Introduced delay mechanics. Now, you can miss several days past the promised deadline at the cost of the delay fee. This fee depends on the promised amount of tanks and agreed price. Note, maximum delay is currently set at 30 days
Contracts now feature not only focus groups but also focus attributes that are deemed more important for the employed tank roles. Make sure to comply to contracts requirements to maximize the attractiveness of your tank designs
Added multiple tooltips and explanation, providing details for all new contract features
Revisited attribute contract requirements, effectively eliminating inconsistent attribute requests
New type of contract, Upgrade contract, is introduced. This contract is triggered if the employed tank design has been deemed outdated and will allow the player to upgrade the equipment of the already formed tank regiments
Age for tank’s components and design is introduced and coupled to the Upgrade contract mechanics
7 new tank roles have been added to Britain allowing for more variation in country’s contract demands between various playthroughs
Added new Administrators to the game
Added Filters and Sorting options for Design and Engineering scenes
Time progression can now be activated from any scene, including “Global Map”. There is no longer need to go outside to the “Factory View” to access the Time control!
Man hour cost of the cloned tank design is now proportional to the amount of changes introduced in the tank. A minimum cost is though always applied.
“Clone” button is now locked for designed that have not been completed
Administrator hiring is now a part of diplomatic negotiation and, as such, moved to diplomacy screen
Restyling of tank crew members has been performed. Each role has unique uniform and player is given an opportunity to select the crew member face
Revisited Trophies:
Purchased trophy tanks now disappear from the diplomacy window
Each trophy tank displays how many new, undiscovered tank components it holds to simplify the decision
Monetary and reputation income for Supply, Re-stock and Upgrade contract has been revisited:
Supply contract yields maximum reputational and average monetary gains
Re-stock contract yields high reputational and high monetary gains
Supply contract yields average reputational and very high monetary gains
Clarified cost requirements for the corresponding scene (For example: engineering cost in Engineering scene)
Display explicitly the chance of the resource delay in the Warehouse
Success score is now coloured directly in “red” or “green” after the insight info on the competitor offer is purchased
- Removed rival tanks design that we not respecting the max weight limits
- Fixed the bug when tanks had different attributes between the design and the contract scenes
- Fixed the bug that was causing defect corrections to be unaccounted for contract attributes
- Correct the issues that caused the killed soldiers to be "resurrected" after a draw battle outcome
- Addressed a mini-tutorial bug that sometimes caused a crush when transitioning to scenes after pressing the "Proceed" button
- Fixed the issue causing tank attributes in Production building to display the attribute without defects penalties
- Corrected the glitch that broke the UI on some occasions after creating and instantly removing tank design
- Corrected in-game patch notes layout fixed
- Fixed missing recoil modifications on some weapons
- Fixed snapshot maker. Hide ghost design when snapshot in progress
- Secured contracts not give points in Achievement Score
- Fixed an issue with the “” marker when cloning a tank design and clicking on the save/assign button to the original design instead of the cloned one
- Addressed the issue causing the design components to be reset when reselecting the hull
- Fixed the bug that, upon loading a save game, led to wrong number of the unread contracts
- Fixed an issue with the delayed tank shipments
- Fixed a bug when several Admins perks were not properly affecting the corresponding processes
- Resolved an issue that, upon loading a save game, highlighted two buttons on the time controller (x1 and x10)
- Fixed a bug with failed create component preview for Armoured Plate
- Resolved a bug triggered by clicking the “cross” in the incident window message
- Fixed an exploit that resulted in full refund of the design cost if the player double-clicked the "Save" button on a cloned design
- Fixed black colour of tanks when playing on low quality
- Fixed an issue that caused the cloned component to “lose” some modification on the component picture
- Fixed random wrong sockets cam position
- Added gun depression/elevation for the 75mm Blockhaus-Schneider Gun in a Sponson of a British Tank
- Unified date format for all scenes and windows
- Corrected application of building attributes on corresponding processes
- Fixed the camera for Central Cab MK2 component
- Fixed the issue that caused the facility card to remain visible even after closing the card
- Added missing defects penalties in the Workshop mode
- Corrected ricochet success phase text in Tactical battles
- Re-aligned the numbers in several UI elements
- Fixed the issue with wrong value of the attribute group sum in contracts
- Added description in the Military Campaign centre
- Fixed non-matching Mark 8 running gear with tracks
- Added missing “tank fame” in the Tank card
- And many more minor bugs….
- Major revisit of all component modifications. Most importantly, modifications now yield a combination of positive and negative attributes. In practice, this means that for specific tank roles, the older tank modifications might be sometimes preferable!
Missing text and typos:
- Fixed discovered and reported typos and added missing text descriptions
Update (11th March 2024)
Greetings, Arms Dealers
The next patch is ready, and we are happy to share it with you! With it, we have revisited the event system and made it more convenient to use. You can now control what events to show, collect and event filter in the event center.
Furthermore, we revisited tank contracts. From this Update, contracts will be more challenging to secure, and competition will be putting a constant pressure on your offer.
Other changes include multiple QoL changes, bug fixing and remaining correction of typos and missing text issues, please see the exact Patch details below. However, please note that this patch will make old save games incompatible.
FunGI Team
Patch content:
- Fixed incorrect displaying of facility bonuses list in Facility info window
- Fixed negative success score values in the Contracts Application Center before any tank design is selected by the player
- Fixed negative values in tank design card of Production Window
- Fixed broken buildings menu animations when changing resolution
- Fixed lost resources in production
- Fixed random exceptions caused by loading some parts of tanks
- Fixed the bug with tank design attributes which can cause an error in Design Window
- Added possibility to select what news to receive and which ones to neglect
- Added possibility to pause the game for selected news
- Added filter options in the Event center
- Added additional filter for “Rival tank” events
- Relocated news settings directly in the Event center
- Added icons for each type of the news event
- Added possibility to delete all news
- Introduced unread news counter tag under Event center button on Factory ground
- Added Tank role tooltip in diplomacy window
- Added tank Fame effects based on operating countries
- Added dialog which notifies player about HDD space absence on PC
- Rebalanced contract attribute requirements. Countries now update their contract requirements more frequently
- Rebalanced rival offer success score. More aggressive offerings for most of tank roles
- Decreased “insight” cost to reveal Rival’s offers
- Offered price per tank is now scaling with increased requirements
- Required mass per tank is now scaling with increased requirements
- Increased contribution of Tank fame on Success Score by factor 10
Missing text and typos:
- Added missing descriptions of Ethiopian Tank regiments
- Added missing battle locations for Smyrna province
- Added missing battle locations for Biga province
Update (21st February 2024)
- Fixed negative values in the production process.
- Fixed incorrect loading behavior of world map markers.
- Fixed an exception caused by the closing of the War Campaign Center.
- Fixed an exception caused by the first audio playing.
- Fixed the country logic issue when some military tasks were not executed.
- Fixed an exception caused by "draw" battle outcome in the military campaign view.
- Fixed exception on game start caused by old player's states.
Update (16th February 2024)
- Add in-game version checking system. Player will receive notification on start about new game version
- Contracts. Improved contracts generation stability
- Fixed loading tanks design parts in Design/Engineering/Production/Warehouse when player switch tanks quickly
- Fixed loading saves after game stopped or reloaded
- Fixed incorrect loading view behavior. Player could load non existing save
- Fixed. Corrupted contracts with negative tanks quantity
- Fixed. Financial reports system raises exceptions randomly in the end of game month
Update (12th February 2024)
Greetings, Arms Dealers!
Thank you for taking time to provide feedback and report encountered bugs. The first patch is here. With it we address most of critical stability issues encountered. We have also, revisited the balance of several game elements, made several QoL changes and corrected some of the typos and missing text issues.
In the next patch we will continue to improve game stability, but we will focus more on QoL changes. Our first target is to revisit the event system and make it more convenient to use. There have been many questions asked about the additional eras – the work is already in full swing on the Interwar Era. A more precise time timeline will be presented in a future dev updates.
FunGI Team
- Fixed "No contracts" bug (partial fix)
- Fixed incorrect tanks designs loading in Contracts Center
- Blocked the possibility to play game time by space bar when any of dialogs are opened
- Fixed incorrect behaviour when player canceled production process in Production
- Fixed incorrect game scenes loading
- Fixed unhandled exception caused by player clicking in building view on process widget
- Fixed incorrect behaviour by loading in-game textures, caused UI freezes, or unhandled exceptions
- Fixed lost component for some tanks design parts in Tank Range
- Fixed incorrect Warehouse process widget behaviour. Widget can be clicked when it was fully disabled
- Fixed broken tank range loading for CA1
- Fixed selection player tanks for Restock contracts.
- Fixed saving process when save file was with empty name
- Fixed toolbar locking after player loaded state from Factory Grounds scene
- Fixed unlocked "Save" button when player has empty states list in "Saves" dialog
- Fixed. Fixed Design components instantiating exception
- Fixed. UI exception occurred after new contracts added\updated
- Added "disable tutorial" checkbox
- Added sliders for Bank Loan amount and loan period
- Added a possibility to filter only Battles where the player's tanks participate
- Start-up capital increase by 200k for all difficulty levels
- Facility cost reduction by 30%
- Facility fire risk contribution reduced by 30%
- Employee fire risk contribution reduced by 20%
- Base building fire risk reduced with 2%
- Rebalanced parameters of the tank delivery companies
- Reduced material delay times by 30%
- Extended contract delivery times
- Increase maximum bank loan amount to 550k
- Increased probability of late Army Corps participation in campaigns
- Adjusted attributes for British Mk2 Sight modificator
- Adjusted Crew requirements for LK2 Krupp hull
- Added Shell Expendable sockets for LK2 Krupp
- Increased the chances for Tank regiment participation in Battles
- Adjustment of mobility group attributes for Small engines
- A7V Hull attribute adjustments
Missing text and typos:
- Undefined country in the “capitulation” event
- Undefined country in the conclusion of the Military campaign event
- Added locations for “Burgas” territory
- Corrected text for “New tank type” event
- Corrected text for “Rival tank captured” event
- Corrected typo for engineering tooltip
- Added missing defect name and description that was triggered by mass limit
- Corrected text in the mini-tutorial message
- Proper name for Luxembourg territory
- Corrected typo for “Shaken” unit tooltip
- Corrected text in the “tycoon” difficulty description
- Correct typo in Manual entries
- Adjusted text in “Tsar tank” event description