Patch 2.0318.0657 (19 March 2020)
Additions and changes:
- Villages and Camps have a new ability to increase their hiding over time, reducing the frequency of enemy attacks (this is a difficulty setting),
- Bows have acquired the ability to increase Delay of enemies hit and are faster to use,
- Clubs an mallets got a secondary attack that can target single enemy,
- Wand deal damage in all 3 forms of challenges and deal double damage to summons,
- Added a quest for goblins to be able to advance into chieftains,
- Added ice biome ruins,
- Added new characters to trait cards,
- Added a handful of ridiculously challenging end-game events for all of you OP players,
- Added chosen advancement option for sniezynka and rusalka and befuddler (VOLH DLC; Chosen Advancement; nodes 49,50,52),
- Added pet training for crab and parrot at spirit talkers (event id 73; nodes 35-42 and Woodlandkin; event 54; nodes 39- 46),
- Reduced equipment crating time for items using Tier 1 (takes about 30% of time) and Tier 2 (takes about 75% of time). Tiers 3+ are unaffected,
- Added Shift + Click functionality on event trade screen,
- Gahering screen now sorts items placing terrain artefacts and food at the beginning of the list, and resources from rariest to the least rare later. Additionally resources are next to each other if they are the same type,
- T2 resources craft from T1 no longer use coal,
- Resources can be downgraded from higher resources using 1 ingredient resource + 1 coal to produce 3 lower tier resources if the ingredient is NOT researched, or 4 if the ingredient is researched,
- Added turn notification when there are not enough resources for a task,
- AI improvements to better estimate skill tactical value,
- Increased the frequency of updates sent to all players in coop to ensure more up-to-date information is available about groups of other players,
- Added function to heal mental and spirit wounds when a chosen is resurrected,
- Sea ruins loot/reward tweaks and chance added so that you cannot choose the path available to explore.
- Fixed a bug where sometimes the guardian demon could leave the village,
- Fixed difficulty now displays 100% at easy, 150% in medium and 200% on hard difficulty,
- Text added to make it clear a weapon needs to be sacrificed and it may be an equipped weapon (Awakening; Id 34; node 3),
- Switched/changed descriptions of boatswain and pirate, to reflect that boatswain is the superior. Also changed the growing up event accordingly (Generic; id 38 +47; nodes 23,24, 5, 38),
- Fixed a softlock when selecting a ranged target,
- Fixed overlapping icons on crafting screen on certain resolutions where there were 5 job slots available,
- Fixed target scripts to allow targeting hand if battlefield is empty, also added hand targetting option for a number of skills
- Fixed incorrect algorithm for calculation of conquered settlements,
- Fixed character's list on HUD not scrolling correctly,
- Fixed a bug in main quest Mroki event, where not having an item to trade could cause a softlock,
- Fixed secondary targets when a target is selected manually.
Patch HOTFIX 2.0211.0649 (11 February 2020)
- Added the option to pay with a cosmic seed for special class when chosen human child grows up
- Modified pirate attack quests so that you may escape the encounter
- Fixed a few cemetery events where the rewards were too high for the challenge level
- Removed several unused events from Wrath of Sea DLC module (ones that were copies of events moved elsewhere)
- Added the baby troll growing up events on sea
- Added a 'leave' option to sea loot
- Added voiceover which was missing in the Mokosh god quest
- Fixed task slots when creating new tasks on water
- Group info on HUD will show details instead of portraits by default
Patch 2.0102.0624 (02 January 2020)
- Fixed a relatively common crash when doing concept challenges vs high-level groups,
Fixed events in goblin villages not applying some results to groups of all players (i.e. healing in the villages).
Patch 2.1219.0623 (19 December 2019)
- Added 40 new events,
- Added 8 god traits,
- Added Inventor character class along with its class trait and skills,
- Added a summary screen where all characters can be inspected from anywhere - just press F1,
- Added tooltips to recipe screen for essence and skill level bar,
- Added more Chinese glyphs to the font atlas, also added Greek, Korean and Japanese glyph sets.
- Fixed Replace Idol ritual that would sometimes cause a crash,
- Fixed Dwelling speed boost not being applied in the first turn after leaving the village,
- Fixed CONST_NIGHT_MOVEMENT_RANGE where speed boost would not be applied in the first night turn,
- Fixed challenge difficulty for concepts and challenges above lvl 10 not being displayed correctly,
- Fixed a bug that would prevent health being permanently recovered following a challenge when the player started a fight with a wounded character and used a weapon with life leech effect,
- Fixed targeting bug in co-op challenge.
- Fixed KS Events/Fli Catapult Spwn2, Cemetery/Cemetery Goblin D3 and Cemetery Orc D5 as their requirements would not let them trigger on Pangea,
- Fixed Woodlandkin:27 where TradeNode would not have the option to cancel,
- Fixed Misc Encounters 2/HeresyQuest tag deletion which could block main quest progress,
- Fixed mChapter 1/Bandits3 which would mark the quest as complete on the logbook at an incorrect point,
- Fixed mChapter 1/TrappedDwarf6 where a spiritual challenge with Ail'yleth would cause an error (added ChallNod82 as a copy of ChallNod37 but without entry requirements),
- Fixed mChapter 1/Scavengers4 which could spawn another red cave when a child was returned,
- Fixed Earthbound/DwarfKillMEdOrcSkel where one option would not have a group assigned,
- Fixed Generic:28 where Lada path would make girls grow up to be befuddlers instead of rusalkas,
- Fixed Scavengers:51 where the player would not receive loyalty points to Scavengers faction,
- Fixed Generic:5 where mythical path would cause a missing group error,
- Fixed mChapter 1:21 - support from demons after killing them is no longer an option,
- Fixed trade node in SpiritTalkers:27 that could cause a crash when cancelling,
- Fixed Misc Encounters 2:19 - missing group in deal damage node that could cause a crash,
- Added the inventor class as an advancement option for the chosen - localization change: Volh DLC, event 37, node 2 last output: Become an inventor.
Patch 2.1004.0614 (28 October 2019)
- Added characters' current task icon to inventory and equip screens,
- Show/hide resources and minimap toggle buttons should now work after one player ended their turn and is waiting for other players,
- Switching pages on various screens can now be done using arrow keys,
- Added tools filter to Inventory,
- Added missing Ukrainian glyphs (ґ, Ґ, є, Є, і, І, ї, Ї) to the font atlas.
- Fixed a problem where a Scavenger Volh would have no portrait and throw errors when starting a fight,
- Fixed a crash on fight info screen when the joining player still has group info screen open when the fight begins,
- Fixed challenge queue that would not let you switch to the previous page,
- Fixed a bug with being able to select a gender for the chosen even if that gender should not have been allowed.
- Changed the event ID 45 'nonhuman cabbage patch' in Children module, so that any two adult characters of any race and gender can find a child in a cabbage patch when they have less than 4 characters in total,
- Fix for Stingers, Army ID 5; Node 11 - wrong loyalty changed,
- Change in Volh DLC module - changing the class of the chosen resets half of the character's level,
- Changed to Earthbound event - added Mental Return to the large village,
- Fixed GroupTroll event (Generic module) - added group to end node that receives a blessing.
Hotfix 0612:
- Fixed a crash in multiplayer games caused by the halloween module not initialising correctly for the client,
- Fixed a bug in Trick or Treat event,
- Added em dash glyph to font atlas,
- A hardcoded text on HUD is no longer hardcoded.
Hotfix 0614:
- Corrected the Halloween event to allow other players to join in the final boss fight,
- Fixed an issue where only the main player would get RP from events in co-op,
- Fixed Chinese glyphs not showing correctly.
Patch 2.1004.0603 (05 October 2019)
- Lowered equipment crafting time,
- Lowered resource crafting time,
- Increased the cost of resources when upgrading Tier 2 to Tier 3 to increase the value of gathering Tier 3 resources,
- Changes to faction spawns to ensure spawns happen around each faction town evenly.
Patch 2.1004.0599 (04 October 2019)
0599 Hotfix:
- Fixed the issue with entering on water tiles.
0598 Pangea:
- Today's update introduces one of the most requested changes - a more varied, compact landmass.
- The world in Pangea consists mostly of large, multi-biome continents. Islands may also exist, but they will be much closer to other lands and will not be restricted to a single biome. Creatures can sometimes wander beyond their natural habitats, so be careful and not venture too far unprepared.
- Along with this new map mode, the minimap got an upgrade too - both visually and functionally. There are also many smaller additions and fixes, for the full list - read below:
- Added a new map generation mode called Pangea,
- Added names to quest markers on the main map,
- Minimap now shows quest locations (for tracked quests),
- Minimap now shows locations of other players' groups in co-op,
- Minimap now shows locations of visible monster groups,
- Minimap - visual improvements,
- Food trader in villages will now accept items other than food as payment,
- Added Crafting Resources filter to inventory,
- Big arrows on the Inventory screen will now only move items that are displayed (filtered),
- Added tabs to the building research popup which allows having multi-building research (modders requested),
- When levelling up, the game now will avoid offering Fallback skills (i.e. Blung Attack) if other skills are available,
- Characters which have no skills to choose from will get an attribute increase instead,
- Added another option for Maximum Total Cost of Traits difficulty setting, allowing 8 trait points and 2 free starting characters,
- Each artefact dug out from the ground have 33% chance to offer a random tier 3 resource (with some biome-specific restrictions) instead of the fixed one (biome-specific). This applies to the starting biome as well.
- Fixed Movement Points being set to 0 when editing inventory on water,
- Fixed a bug where the enemy would sometimes play cards that have 0 hit points,
- Fixes to localization loading for mods,
- Fixed too early spawn of the stronger groups due to mix of world and local difficulty progression,
- Fixed the issue with fog disappearing on game load,
- Fixed ship cargo capacity not stacking,
- Fixed an issue with the advancement of lvl 5 skills resetting their level to 0,
- Fixed a number of demons having an incorrect name,
- Fixed Ivan (SUBRACE-IVAN_HUM_GUSLA) and Elder Volh (SUBRACE-HUM_ELDER_VOLH) not having their correct portraits,
- Fixed a rare multiplayer crash when entering cooperative challenge.
- Fixed an event (Volh module, event36, node 21 removed and replaced with a fresh one - spawn node - as the old one was causing an odd bug in the xml),
- Added an option to the bandits near village event (id3, village events) where if you have a guard tower and good fortune (chance), you can attack the bandits or simply chase them away (node 40 and 41 added),
- Added node 42 to the same event, where if you defeated the bandits previously 3 times, they will also run away from you now,
- Fixed a bug in mChapter 1, Alchemist2 and Alchemist2 Spare, tag 82 added (in adv node 1 as prerequisite and 2 as result), to make sure you do not get the quest twice,
- Fixed Volh Dlc event 31, adv node 52 (added wraith pet as a reward as it was missing),
- Fixed Alphaclan, event 56 adv node 43, where there was a potential loop after hitting cancel. Adventure node 66 was added,(clone of 45) to resolve this.
- Fixed Slavyan, event 23, trade node 31 - you can now access the node if you have only one curse, not all three,
- Fixed Earthbound event 83 adv node13, removed the 'node usable once' tick,
- Fixed Volh DLC event 36, replaced all span nodes in the event, as it was causing an odd group spawn and that then caused errors.
- Spawning of "Swarms" now triggers only when world difficulty is at 4+ to ensure some more grace period,
- Gray Robes now provide multi-type shields,
- Added MP bonus to Elemental Robes,
- Legendary Robes now give Wits,
- Normal armours and shields now give slightly more shielding,
- Legendary Medium and Heavy Armours gain % Armour bonus,
- Legendary Shields provide +2 MP instead of +1,
- Elemental and Legendary Medium and Heavy Armours got a boost to their attribute addons and multipliers to make them more significant (~ x1.5),
- Removed master-craft and failed-craft options for Cosmic Seed products.
Patch 2.0809.0562 (09 August 2019)
- Added confirmation popup after selecting Forfeit on the fight info screen
- Fixed essence, non-weapon skills using ReciveTrueDamage which were bypassing shield all together instead of dealing 150% to shielded character shield(reminder to health) or 100% to not shielded characters - bees should be less OP now ;)
- Fixed Cmok event from Volh DLC
- Fixed a bug in Summer Harvest event
- Fixed text bug in reply in Rat Curse event
- Activated Dark Volh Start event in Volh DLC module
- Fixed a number of roaming groups not spawning on the map
- Fixed rounding on summary screen sometimes not granting god points for exactly 100 game points
- Fixed Pikulik event, so it should not continue triggering endlessly
- Fixed swamps event from Volh DLC
- Fixed a bug in autumn preserves event
- Fixed sanity regeneration going over maximum attribute
- Added the possibility to mix various textures between categories when making mods (i.e. item icon instead of skill icon etc)
- Fixed misleading name used within scripts to deal damage ReciveDamagePiercing to ReciveTrueDamageEssence
- Fixed misleading name used within scripts to deal damage ReciveShieldAndTrueDamage to ReciveTrueDamageAncient
- Removed misleading name used within scripts to deal damage (ReciveTrueDamage)
Patch 2.0801.0555b (01 August 2019)
New Stuff:
- Added Volh and Gusla - two new human male magic user classes
- Added over 30 new events
- Added skills for Volh and Gusla
- Added 13 new rituals
- Added new event arts
- Added a couple of new character portraits and 3d models for them
- Added half-race tag to mixed parents children
- Added Elder Swamper, Rockers, Icicles and Lava Rockers
- Added an event to Slavyan village where you can allow any of your people to leave you and join the Slavyans
- Added a new difficulty setting which defines how far groups can join other groups' events
- Added hotkeys and tooltips to the Navigation bar
- Added tooltip on tasks on Village Overview screen
- Added tooltips to tasks on Research and Rituals screens
- Added Forfeit button on Fight Info screen
- Rollover on characters on action queue highlights the corresponding character on the battlefield
- Rollover on the characters on the battlefield highlights the corresponding character on the action queue
- Added a list of participating groups on Resolve Event screen
- Changed sfx when opening Logbook, God Info, Domination Victory, Theopedia and Factions screens
- Fixed a bug where elf skills would be reset upon growing up
- Children can no longer level up their racial skill
- Fixed Flock of Craftsmen trait
- Scavenger boss Hanka can no longer move over sea tiles
- Fixed Zmey in the quarry, where you could sacrifice the single character you had in your group, thus you were unable to continue the quest
- Fixed the Guard being too clingy and staying with you despite you telling him to go
- Fixed forest demons giving you a boar instead of a bear
- Fixed main quest path with Ail'yleth, where she would not help rescue the dwarf if you already visited the jail before meeting her
- Fixed the POI quests from villages, so that they cannot be exploited forever
- Fixed summons not using passive skills
- Fixed Delay display in character tooltip
- Fixed health sacrificing mechanics not using proper damage multiplier
- Fixed a small bug in elf growing up where one of the options looped
- Fixed max char count for server name and password on Host and Join screens to make sure the joining player can always input the entire server name and password
- Fixed modding models
- Fixed a regression forbidding to create new modules
- Fixed multistaged events
- Hotkeys on HUD should now work without having the radial menu open
- Fixed a bug where removing all entities from a group and then opening another screen that referenced this group would crash the game
- Fixed the dwarf growing up event, where a dwarf chosen child had no chance to become a warrior
- Fixed a bug in dwarf 'birth' event where all rockers got a buff when the new one was born
- Fixed a bug where VSync and FPS limit settings were not applied correctly when the application was restarted
- Fixed Sort by Value on Trade screen not taking into account the merchant's multiplier
- Reduced the difficulty of Lightbringers on the starting island
- Healer's skill is now based on Intelligence
- Tweaked Healer's starting skills and skill packs
- Zerca now starts with Inspire skill
- Reduced damage of Reliable Argument skill
- Increased movement points of flying demons by 1
- Reduced randomization in starting subraces' attributes
- Increased trading value of pets
- Reduced the trade value of cooked food
- Balancing changes to Drain Vigour skill
- Balancing changes to various groups, including concepts
- Buffed Guard Tower
- Lucky Sod skill is no longer available for children
- Ailyn and Naiysir now have Beautiful tag
- Balancing changes to Dziad Mroz and Sniezynki's stats and starting skills
- Increased shielding granted by Protect Others skill
- Czort now starts with Weakness skill
- Orc Matriarch starts with Corruption skill, has less Faith but more Sanity
- Kraken is now more dangerous in mental and spiritual challenges
- Reduced Strength and Perception of Light Sick Karakandza
- Increased Intelligence, Wisdom and Sanity of Light Sick Alkonost
- Increased Sanity and Intelligence of Hohlick
- Balancing changes to Forest Leshy, Dormant Leshy and Enlightened Leshy - both in starting skills and attributes
- Reduced Perception and Health of Viatroviec
- Increased Perception of Forest Fairy
- Master Striga now starts with War Shout skill, increased attack
- Striga Mistress now starts with Hypnosis and Two Flying Daggers skills, increased attack
- Increased Wisdom of Werewolf
- Reduced Health of Cmok
- Reduced Health and Sanity of Light Sick Rusalka
- Reduced Mental Shielding of Unliving Dragon
- Increased Mental Shielding of Swamp Troll
- Increased Strength and Perception of Lava Troll
- Increased Intelligence and Wisdom of Dwarf Statue #3
- Unliving Rat and Unliving Spider are now Unliving by race
- Reduced Strength and Health of bees
- Reduced the strength of Blood Protection skill
- Changes to how AI values non-basic damage types
- Increased duration of Toxine and Illness effects
- Changed methods names: PutSkillOnLocalQueue to PutSkillOnQueue_Local, PutSkillOnMainQueue to PutSkillOnQueue_Main, GetCardsOpposingCardsOnBattelfield to GetOpposingCardsOnBattelfield
- Cleaned up old and unused database files
- Added a message if there are no paths of an event node
Patch 2.0718.0544 (18 July 2019)
- Added mod support for story modules and localisation for story modules,
- Added mod support for images,
- Added the ability to recycle items on Resolve Event screen,
- Bug reporting tool should work correctly once again.
Saves should be still fully compatible between this and the last version.
Patch 2.0704.0534 (04 July 2019)
- Added tooltips to show character stats on Fight Info screen
- Added Chinese font atlas
- Loading a saved game will reshuffle its randomised systems so that different outcomes of random rolls are obtained whenever a game is loaded
- Improved Steam save performance (for those who felt lags at the end of the turn due to changes after the last patch)
- Fixed Steam Cloud downloading saved games even if using cloud was disabled
- Fixed a softlock when moving characters out of the group in the inventory and then opening equipment screen
- Fixed a crash that occurred if bug reporting service does not work
- Fixed a problem when a corrupted save would cause the game to not start
- Fixed missing bonuses from having multiple boats out of the same materials
- Fixed factions not spawning correctly
Patch 2.0620.0519 (20 June 2019)
- Improved group strength evaluation and difficulty scaling - this should reduce the difficulty of Lightbringers on the starting islands (among other things)
- Added missing sound effects to several buttons
- Added morale per turn gain info to various screens
- Changes to UI to ensure support for ultrawide (i.e. 3840x1080) screens
- Fixed music not being played in a loop
- Fixed VO being played before the fight was concluded
- Fixed Load button's hit area on Load Game screen
This update will not break your saves :)