NEW Common Weapon: TYPE-89 ‘TOKKO’ [Japan] The Type 89, kitted for law enforcement, is the first semi automatic assault rifle in the game and comes with a nonlethal attachment, granting a % chance to fire a rubber bullet, dealing heavy damage and stunning hit targets! As the grenade launcher is not limited to once per magazine as with the M16A4, you can have some lucky moments!
NEW Common Weapon: QBZ TYPE LAS [China] The QBZ is a common semi automatic laser assault rifle that switches to higher burst amounts depending on weapon heat, and has a high powered first shot! The first shot does extend to an entire burst so you can optimize your heat management for heavy damage spray or just stay on low heat for very accurate single fire.
NEW Uncommon Weapon: K7 COMPETITION [South Korea] The K7 is a uncommon competition SMG and favors no luck! Wearing it you lose 25% luck (keep in mind luck affects critical chance amongst many other things) but it has a heavy +125% critical damage bonus, so it will synergize greatly with critical chance builds! Don’t forget that bonus also applies to projectile style item criticals!
Hey everyone!
We just have added localization for the Chinese and Korean language. (Already since yesterday but there was a big issue with Chinese that is fixed as of today)
Please let us know what you think of the quality of these translations and about any issues you encounter!
Best - FF