Update 1.13 (25 September 2020)
Commandos 2 – HD Remaster has been updated to v.1.13 – fixing a number of smaller issues reported by the community. Thank you for your support and feedback.
- Fixed issue with unresponsive trigger buttons [Gamepad]
- Fixed black screen when selecting missions from the missions menu
- Fixed delay when users tried to close the ‘Help’ screen
- Fixed issue with unresponsive Mission Failure screen.
- Fixed poisoned wine bottle title in the items radial menu [Gamepad]
- Fixed wrong translation for Polish language
- Fixed wrong characters displayed for Korean language
Update 1.12 (18 September 2020)
Commandos 2 HD Remaster Update (v.1.12)
Thanks again for your feedback thus far.
We’ve been hard at work improving the game and we’re happy to announce today’s update v.1.12 - which includes community requests such as additional save slots, as well as many more bug fixes.
For a more comprehensive update list, check out the changelog below:
Improvements and additions
- Increased save slots to 20 and quick save slots to 3
- Added gamepad functionality
Bug fixes
- Fixed: Bonus Diary fails to appear on screen or gets stuck when spamming mouse buttons
- Fixed: slow loading time when loading a saved game from the pause menu
- Fixed: some enemies wouldn’t highlight when player pressed F11
- Fixed: black background would display when player entered the second level of the Eiffel Tower
- Fixed: incorrect items would display when player looked through the notebook
- Fixed: random objectives or item descriptions could not be closed using the right mouse button or ‘Esc’
- Fixed: incorrect mouse cursor offset on top of the Eiffel Tower
- Fixed: Spanish placeholder text was displayed in some areas
- Fixed: upon entering a vehicle, camera UI fails would fail to display
- Fixed: infinite loading screen during ‘The Giant in Haiphong’ mission
- Fixed: small amount of graphical artifacting at maximum zoom
- Fixed: graphical artifacts in Picture-In-Picture window
- Fixed: Private Smith wouldn’t walk to the radio in the mission ‘Saving Private Smith’
- Fixed: multiple inventory stacking issues
- Fixed: characters and animals weren’t visible on the water’s surface
- Fixed: some objectives wouldn’t mark as completed even after player met the required conditions
- Fixed: placement of mouse cursor shifted slightly at low resolutions
- Fixed: enemy vision cones and markers would not display correctly on water’s surface
- Fixed: Green Beret is not shown as having been buried after player loads a saved game
- Fixed: yellow marker missing from Eiffel Tower interior during 'Is Paris Burning?' mission
- Fixed: character model overlaps vehicle model when sitting on side seat or behind driver
- Fixed: sniper rifle crosshairs do not move when aiming at an enemy
- Fixed: Low-resolution textures in some areas of the submarine during the mission ‘White Death’
- Fixed: Camera control moved to F8 instead of F12 to avoid interference with Steam functionalities
- Fixed: tripwire displayed as pixelated after loading a saved game
- Fixed: some mines would only partially display in the mission ‘Saving Private Smith’
- Fixed: some enemies were invisible while shooting from inside and through a window
- Fixed: some random inventory freezes when swapping ammunition between player character and stunned soldiers
- Fixed: some animations for animals were incorrectly displayed
- Made some general improvements to gameplay and visuals (particularly masking)
- Minor bug fixes and polishing
Commandos 2 HD Remaster Known Issues (v.1.12)
The issues below are known and currently being worked on. These will be fixed in future updates.
- Some sporadic graphical glitches
- Some vehicles, such as trains, have minor animations missing such as rotating wheels
- General performance has been improved and optimization is ongoing
- Picture-in-Picture mode still has some artifacting and missing asset issues to be resolved e.g. doors, character shadows
- Should you experience screen flicker, please set your game resolution to the native screen resolution of your monitor. If you cannot do this, set the game to windowed mode, then change the resolution settings to match your monitor’s native resolution.
- When experiencing problems with saved games or missions being skipped, please check that your saved game folder isn’t located on an external hard drive but an internal one
Original game related bugs or changes:
- Highlighted ladders, windows and doors don’t always align correctly
1.11 (4 March 2020)
Bug fixes
- Fixed: cursor offset from mouse pointer while zooming.
- Fixed: dropped items weren’t visible until inventory was closed.
- Fixed: player character was unresponsive when player cycled between multiple commandos while in a river
- Fixed: after interacting with the notebook item, characters disappeared from the boat anchored off ‘Savo Island’
- Fixed: enemies were visible through walls after loading a saved game
- Fixed: added sound effects for land mine detonation
- Fixed: orders erased when loading a saved game
- Fixed: dead enemies appeared to stand in PiP
- Fixed: noise indicator icon displayed in unusual spot while commandos are running
- Fixed: pause menu elements overlapped at lower resolutions
- Fixed: notebook links to ‘Tie & Gag’ and ‘Knock On A Wall’
- Fixed: pathfinding was wrong for General NPC walking back to his office after player loaded a saved game during ‘Night of the Wolves’
- Fixed: minor graphical issues with PiP when peeking through sewers
- Fixed: zoom wouldn’t function from certain camera angles during Tutorial 2
- Fixed: lowered music volume during mission briefings
- Fixed: auto-fire was missing while playing ‘Saving Private Smith’
- Fixed: skipping end scene would display ‘Skip’ text in results screen
- Fixed: rope ladder for the Air Carrier in ‘Giant of Haiphong’ was displayed incorrectly
- Fixed: Whiskey’s image was removed from the UI after being killed
- Fixed: Natasha would call the General from an incorrect position if the player loaded a quick save
- Fixed: spotlights lit incorrectly in ‘Night of the Wolves’
- Fixed: characters were masked incorrectly near the waterfall in ‘Guns of Savo Island’
- Fixed: enemy soldiers would get stuck inside beds when player was spotted
- Fixed: Green Beret’s sitting animation was offset when driving a vehicle near the wall
- Fixed: textures and enemies would flicker when player drove a vehicle in ‘Castle Colditz’
- Fixed: lighting was incorrect after loading a saved game where player is underwater
- Fixed: spy hole PiP appeared if player was peeking through a door and a saved game was loaded
- Fixed: noise indicator icon would display on the exterior of a room even if a commando was running inside
- Fixed: all health kits disappeared from the Green Beret's inventory when player tried to share with allies
- Fixed: if an enemy killed Green Beret while he was in a vehicle, he appeared in a standing position
- Fixed: commandos would fail to climb up/down using mechanical stairs due to offset marker position
- Fixed: player character appeared in standing position after getting killed in the water
- Fixed: commandos overlapped with each other if an objective PiP was invoked
- Fixed: players could not zoom out during Bonus Mission 5
- Fixed: animation for the Thief climbing onto and dismounting the elephant was missing in ‘Bridge Over River Kwai’
- Fixed: player could use mouse wheel to zoom in and out while cut scenes were playing.
- Fixed: player was able to replace poisoned wine bottle with sleeping pills in ‘Night of the Wolves’
- Fixed: selecting a character via the keyboard instantly moved the camera
- Fixed: changes made to 'Master volume' and 'Music volume' in audio settings were saved upon pressing ‘Esc’ key
Improvements and additions
- Improved: players can now zoom out even further
- Improved: reworked idle and strain animations for characters in the UI
- Additonal work is still ongoing.
- Improved: general underwater effects
- Added: tooltips on characters’ UI
- General improvements to gameplay, visuals and masking
- Additional bug fixing and polish
1.10 (19 February 2020)
- Fixed: Overall performance is highly improved. Further improvement is ongoing.
- Fixed: Issue where sound would disappear after loading a save game.
- Fixed: Performance issues in “Castle Colditz” and “Is Paris Burning?” missions.
- Fixed: Cursor now displayed correctly in building interiors.
- Fixed: Lama and Gurkha now use rope ladders correctly.
- Fixed: Amount of sleeping pills in inventory is now correctly displayed.
- Fixed: Readability of font used in the notebook while playing in Polish.
- Fixed: Minor spelling and grammatical issues with in-game texts.
- General improvements to gameplay, visuals and masking.
- Additional bug fixes and polishing.
1.09 (04 February 2020)
- Fixed: Flamethrower no longer goes through walls (it bounces).
- Fixed: Saved game issues reported by some users have been fixed - please note,
- some saved games MIGHT still be corrupted but new saves will no longer have this issue.
- Fixed: Enemy view-cones will now correctly display over water.
- Added: Footprints! When a commando walks on snow or sand, footprints are now clearly visible for a short time.
1.08 (31 January 2020)
- Fixed dead enemies sometimes appearing in a standing position while the Notebook is in use
- Fixed Driver’s skills – Driver can now throw Molotov Cocktails and dig holes correctly
- Fixed visual artifacting at furthest zoom level
- Fixed issue where enemies could stack into each other or other objects during missions
- Fixed load game slots on ‘Mission Failed’ screen
- Fixed a few minor graphical issues
- Fixed an issue where game goes into soft-lock after player hits a patrolman during the mission ‘Castle Colditz’
- Fixed landing position of Molotov Cocktails and Smoke Grenades
- Fixed Sniper Rifle crosshair not showing through windows
- Fixed general localization bugs
- Added minimap navigation – players can now interact with minimap to change camera
- position
- Optimized view cones
- Further optimization made to framerate
- Please continue sending your feedback. Every message helps us hunt down things that need to be addressed and makes the game be the best it can be.
1.05 (28 January 2020)
- Added: First implementation of camera zoom with the mouse wheel. This is a work-in- progress feature but already makes a substantial difference to the gameplay experience
- Improved: Russian text visibility improved
- Improved: More readable game save confirmation
- Fixed: Issue where the tutorial would result in skipping the first mission
- Fixed: Issue where smoke grenades would prevent Action Select Windows from being closed
- Fixed: Issue with incorrect display of gate textures
- Fixed: Molotov Cocktail can now be thrown through windows
- Fixed: Game no longer freezes when clicking on objective diary
- Fixed: 3D Character models are now visible on the 2nd and 3rd floor of the Eiffel tower