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黎明为歌 - Melody before the Dawn - Build 56576193367425327

Basic Info

Build ID 56576193367425327
Install directory 黎明为歌 - Melody before the Dawn/
Root product ID 1473263367
Build pubished 2023-06-07 01:43
Branch Not set
Version 1.0
URL https://gog-cdn-fastly.gog.com/content-system/v2/meta/e3/b0/e3b0600a37ccf2f915f98c2c6259773d
Tags editor_v_1_5_0, csb_10_6_3_o_7
Client ID 56537047335375894
Client secret 5a6eacbeccfd125553dc3c7cdb08140b30f6906e87a444211f1fa8ddaa7295e0
Dependencies None
Script interpreter True
Generation 2


Name Product ID Script Temp executable Temp arguments
黎明为歌 - Melody before the Dawn 1473263367


Languages Product ID Size Bitness Attribute Manifest ID
en-US 1473263367 387.3 MB Any d46e737b7ed89f5f6a68daac1c7d3b50
en-US 1473263367 40.5 kB Any GOG 7e4bf1f620a2090d8fec1fb2bdecece8
en-US 1473263367 598 Bytes Any GOG 68057eff6829b5820e77e9fd3bccef06
* 1473263367 1.6 kB Any Offline a4e4eb74c1e2fe3f7fb858cdb100db42