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WHAT THE GOLF? - Build 55316821586848121

Basic Info

Build ID 55316821586848121
Install directory What The Golf.app/
Root product ID 1379120886
Build published 2022-03-29 16:02
Branch Not set
Version mac 15.0.1-2022.3.29.17:52 (release/15.x.6fc45c5f73)
URL https://gog-cdn-fastly.gog.com/content-system/v2/meta/e6/a6/e6a63e6e617a9861bf23d641df66b603
Tags csb_10_6_1_o_147
Client ID 53760172862247928
Client secret ab92c7bb15afd3ee784a87a3a05e4f36aef04d0e3c2c2d1831ea80342da5c296
Dependencies None
Script interpreter False
Generation 2


Name Product ID Script Temp executable Temp arguments
What The Golf? 1379120886


Languages Product ID Size Bitness Attribute Manifest ID
en-US 1379120886 926.5 MB Any 0750c99f3099c595f7aa2fe55babedbe
en-US 1379120886 46.4 kB Any GOG fdaba864ccf1695ad7c9c5677e0dc467
en-US 1379120886 512 Bytes Any GOG 6294e19e88da98bc028ae031b9f40baf
* 1379120886 38 Bytes Any GOG b03ac1d6bf0d258fbd37a35aa52a0816
* 1379120886 1.4 kB Any Offline c495d90170f000e348a0b6272d661e60