Update v1.2.62 (29/12/2024)
Fixes and improvements
- Flails are now mentioned in the War Clubs and Hammers skill description
- Mod Manager: whitespace modset names are now trimmed properly
- Mod Manager: mod incompatibility is now re-evaluated when a mod is removed from a modset or deleted completely
- Modding Toolkit: trying to play a non-existent sound file is now handled correctly
- Modding Toolkit: updated dialog text that informs about a successful mod export
- Modding Toolkit: toolkit version is now logged to application log file
- Modding Toolkit: GOG version of the game is now properly detected
Update v1.2.61 (23/12/2024)
Fixes and improvements
- Added Flails as a new weapon type
- Introduced Steam Workshop support and Mod Manager
- Introduced Black Geyser Modding Toolkit
- Balanced Command Company
- Fixed an issue in Deron-Guld Mine which caused keybinds to stop working
- Duchess Kjarvalr no longer offers investigation options after the trial started
- The dialogue with Tattered Woman no longer triggers for invisible characters
Update v1.2.60 (09/10/2024)
Fixes and improvements
- The bug report tool (Alt + B) now handles compressed saves correctly
Update v1.2.59 (04/10/2024)
Fixes and improvements
- Dual wielding NPCs can now be encountered across Yerengal
Update v1.2.58 (01/10/2024)
Fixes and improvements
- Added GOG achievements
- Dual-wielding for warrior and outlaw classes
- Fast-travel to questgivers using the quest journal
- Already known recipes are marked in shop UI
- Item tooltips now show which classes can use the item
- Monster respawn in areas
- Added savegame file compression to reduce file size
- Skeletons are now immune to Crimson Plague
- Changed curative sap sounds
- Siracca is now recruitable during To The Quick quest
- The game is now available in two more resolutions
- Corrected a visual bug that appeared on resolutions other than 16:9
- Corpses of ghouls required for Destroy Them All quest no longer despawn if left unlooted before the quest is finished
- Hearts required for Destroy Them All can no longer be stolen from ghouls and cultists
- Trapped under the surface quest now fails if the player reports to the Spymaster before finishing it
- Love's Labours Found quest now properly ends when the player pacifies mourning Beran
- Urghos' aura no longer reacts to ranged attacks
- Overlapping cutscenes concerning the stairs in Rothgor's Realm no longer block the player from progressing
Update v1.2.56 (29/08/2023)
Fixes and improvements
- Added Brazilian Portuguese localization
- Smaller fixes in localizations
Update v1.2.55 (28/06/2023)
Fixes and improvements
- Added Italian localization
- Black Liquor's icon now appears properly
- It's no longer possible to kill Bartender Ruflodac in Castle Alastor before he summons his illusions
- It's no longer possible to attack Deron-Guld soldiers in the Guild Hall during Fair Winds and Foul quest without them fighting back
- It's no longer possible to skip the enemy soldiers on the battlefield and go directly to their leader during the Only Who Is Left quest
- Funnel Aura now properly updates effects each turn based on the number of nearby enemies
- Subcontainer weights are now calculated correctly
- Isla no longer asks about the Pendulum if the player has already talked to her about meeting him
- Traps no longer sink into the ground in the lower level of Deron-Guld mine
- Looting Bent Journal Page no longer increases greed
- Vile ancients during Sephtys bossfight now correctly have their emerge animations and selection circles
- Vile ancients now properly emerge during Sephthys bossfight even if the player started it after finishing Catalyst
- Potion of the Frost Giant and it's recipe are no longer obtainable
- Modified the recipes of Weak Potion of Exhiliration and Potion of the Raging Tempest
- Potion of Invisibility no longer scales with player level, it now gives invisibility for a fix 10 turns
- Removed healing effect from potion of invisibility
- Removed Fortified effect from Strong Potion of Heroic Defense, it now cures poison instead
- Increased Shady dealings and Theology check limits in Zornilsa's dialogue at Castle Alastor
- Covetous Pendant becomes unusable if player refuses to serve Zornilsa at Castle Alastor
Update v1.2.54 (19/04/2023)
Fixes and improvements
- On-hit effects of the Last Stand shield now appear correctly
- Bartender Ruflodac now has more HP and is harder to interrupt
- Madruk's cutscene can no longer start prematurely
- The player no longer loses reputation when telling Chief Davon about letting Dorb go
- The Blade of the Usurper sword will only be awarded for killing Aldnar
- The Library Maid is despawned during the Fair Winds and Foul quest if she is ignored
- Isla can no longer be asked about the cure for the plague if the played has sided with Aldnar
- Dialogue with Lendel no longer breaks if Hamlin has spoken to his friends first without killing them or letting them go
- Shady Dealings checks in Lendel's dialogue now appear correctly
- Added missing Bargain and Persuasion indication to Etarkun's dialogue
- Replaced Bargain and Persuasion with Theology check in Pendulum's dialogue
- Arvex no longer says one of Siracca's dialogue lines at Moonstone Clearing in the Breaking the Curse quest
- Bargain and Persuasion checks now appear correctly in the dialogues of Riznagar Militia, Talgart and Itkham
- Towns no longer become hostile if player has killed their leaders out of order in Woeful Gorge
Update v1.2.53 (06/04/2023)
Fixes and improvements
- Improved performance for the Drying UI
- The Place Ingredients button on the Drying UI now assigns the correct heat level
- Party characters can now automatically take ingredients from other party members using the Place Ingredients button
- The Temple UI now correctly resurrects all party members on appropriate difficulty levels
- The gates of the Royal Palace are now closed after the To The Quick quest, until the start of In Its Right Place / Only Who Is Left
- Added missing journal updates about the results of Duke Kjarvalr's trial and saving Frick in her home
- Frick flees her house if the player doesn't talk to her after saving her
- Added missing Bargain and Persuasion indication to Bonitia's dialogue in Scroll Thief
- Party now receives the correct amount of gold in Scroll Thief from Bonitia
Update v1.2.52 (03/04/2023)
Fixes and improvements
- Cutscenes for removing the curse from Jade's diadem and Isla analyzing Aldnar's corpse are now timed properly and do not cause the game to get stuck
- Hamlin's friends now appear at the correct time during the Friend or Foe quest
- The grocery store thugs now say the proper lines matching the game state
- Added identification difficulty to the Blade of the Usurper
- Potion of Static and Potion of the Sirocco are now properly displayed in the combat log when dealing damage
Update v1.2.51 (30/03/2023)
Spell and effect system update
- Spells that add multiple status effects to a target are now correctly refreshed by re-casting
- Refreshing spells now re-calculates durations, accounting for changes in resistance
- Spell effects can now be correctly resisted, and their effects are affected by the proper resistance
- Area of Effect spells now correctly apply and re-apply their effects when entering and leaving them, as well as staying inside continously
- Visuals of Area of Effect spells now correctly match their durations
- Behavior-affecting spells and effects can now be dispelled properly
- Damage and duration of scaling damage over time effects are now properly displayed on their tooltips
- Healing Mist now heals each member standing inside its area each turn, instead of giving a one-time heal over time effect
- Permafrost now correctly adds its secondary Frozen effect
- Predator's Fang now correctly assigns its bonus damage based on character level
- Casting Vengeful Spirit on multiple targets now adds a separate spirit for each target
- Handful of Sparks now displays an item tooltip while sparks are equipped on the caster
- The duration and healing/shielding effect of Verdant Growth, Mystic Bulwark and Healing Mist are now correctly displayed in their descriptions and tooltips
- The Everyone for Themselves party level perk now only reduces the duration of negative movement modifiers
- The Weakened effect now only reduces weapon damage dealt
- Receiving the Pacified effect now overrides the Confused effect, and vice versa
- Party members under the Pacified effect are now capable of moving
- The Focused effect now nullifies any attacker's Interrupt Strength for its duration, and correctly protects from mind-altering effects
- Damage over time effects from projectiles cause correctly randomized damage
Class and race balance update
- Highlanders now receive 5 weapon skill points per level, like Fighters (instead of 4)
- Fighter's base damage bonus with two-handed weapons is reduced to 10% (from 20%)
- Fighter's per-level damage bonus with one-handed weapons is reduced to 1% per 2 levels (from 1% per level)
- Ranger's per-level damage bonus with bows, slings and fustibals is increased to 1% per 2 levels (from 1% per 3 levels)
- Dwarves' base damage bonus for war clubs and hammers, axes, slings and fustibals is changed to 5% (from 12% on axes and war clubs and hammers / 9% on slings and fustibals)
- Elves' base damage bonus for bows is decreased to 10% (from 15%)
- Stats for Arvex and the Golgarim starting character were adjusted accordingly
Miscellaneous fixes and improvements
- Minimum and Maximum damage values of weapon attacks now include all applied modifiers in combat log tooltips
- Minimum and Maximum damage values of spell attacks are now correctly displayed for Critical effects in combat log tooltips
- Improved performance of areas with traps, removing frequent stutters
- Added lore and stat descriptions of races and classes to the in-game compendium
- Accidental hostility with Deron-Guld due to attacking maids in the Crimson Crossing is fixed retroactively
- Main faction npcs now correctly detect sneaking party members
- Skill percentages for Tend to Wounds and Force Locks and Doors are now calculated properly
- English, Spanish, French and German localization corrections
- The death of all faction leaders (King Velianrick, War Council, and Aldnar) now leads to the proper aftermath description in the epilogue
- The Trapped Under the Surface quest now properly completes when talking to Stephan with the antidote in a Bottomless Bag
- A Late Goodbye quest can now be completed when Stephan is slain before starting Trapped Under the Surface
- Poisoning the river in Scofarth now only fails ongoing quests, leaving previously completed ones unchanged
- Gerd's Stolen Fish are now moved to the regular inventory if he dies due to poisoning the river in Scofarth
- Isilbright guard dialogues now correctly react to the events at Woeful Gorge
- Diversified ambush groups that can be encountered while resting during the outbreak in Deron-Guld
- Finishing A Clean Slate with the dissuasion option does not prevent starting The Scroll Thief later on
- In Love's Labours Found, failing the lie to convince Beran that Lily is with the enemy, will make him go and search for her
- Greed-crazed guards in cities now always carry weapons
- Greed-crazed citizens now always appear in appropriate clothing
- Musanni and Jabbar now say appropriate dialogue lines before and after traveling to the Garden of Delights
- Increased gold awarded for completing The Prodigal Son, You Are What Eats You, and Pest Control
- Multiple items of the same name now correctly show their bonuses on tooltips
- Brownstem Mushroom, Asp Tongue and Demonwort now yield the Dry versions of their powders when dried on Medium heat
- Party member positions can no longer overlap on the Formations editor
- The Last Stand shield's buff now correctly targets the user when being hit
- Jailor Brayden now properly recognizes if the player carries his required item
- Unnecessary greed score adjustment in Jailor Brayden's dialogue is replaced with a reputation adjustment
- Ghouls are now immune to bleeding
- Adjusted immunities and resistances to Abomination creatures
- When attacking Baflodac at the Greybark Pawnshop, fast travel is disabled until both levels are cleared of enemies
- Added a Shop POI to Quartermaster Pexius in Wardenhaft
- The Tormentor armor's self-damage effect is now correctly displayed in the combat log
- The undead miser Velianrick summoned by the Covetous Pendant now has the greed eyes and skin tone of other undead misers
- Improved stats for Rogoluf in A Brother Avenged
- Improved stats and loot for Hamlin's friends in Friend or Foe
- Party greed is now reduced when declining the reward in Voices in the Dark
- Robbing the druid in Old Beginnings now increases party greed
- The Ritual Dagger now correctly affects Shadowfury demons
- King Velianrick's model now correctly appears with greed-crazed eyes starting with Only Who is Left if conditions are met
- The gates of the Royal Palace are now locked form the beginning of The City of Iron until the beginning of To the Quick
- Scofarth denizens are now owners of containers in their homes
- Gianni's House, Jolvar's Concoctions and the Crimson Smithy in Crimson Crossing are now closed at night
Update v1.2.50 (1/2/2023)
Fixes and improvements
- Effects of Acid Rain traps can no longer get stuck
- Status effect icons of Chain Lightning traps can no longer get stuck
- Smaller fixes in French localization
Update v1.2.49 (30/1/2023)
Fixes and improvements
- Castle Alastor area now always loads properly
Update v1.2.48 (January 26, 2023)
Latest Changes
- Added French localization
- Enabled unique spellcasting chants for companions
- Corrected Interrupt Strength and Interrupt Evasion calculations
- High Interrupt Evasion characters can now tolerate a lot more hits
- When casting identical spells on a target, now all instances take effect instead of just one
- Sling weapon models are now always positioned correctly
- Duration scaling based on class and level is now calculated correctly
- Heal over time effects now work correctly
- Duration scaling introduced for Healing Mist and Verdant Growth
- Healing Mist and Verdant Growth now restore less Health per turn compared to single target heals
- Adjusted the damage and scaling of damage over time effects
- Item comparison tooltips now appear correctly both in the Inventory and the Shop UI
- Available Special Ability points are now correctly displayed during level-up
- Dorb won't spawn multiple times anymore
- Hamlin no longer disappears after becoming hostile in his first quest
- Arvex's final quest cannot get stuck after sparing Siracca anymore
- Volendir no longer appears later in the game if he was killed before
- The mound of sand in Freynagar now also contains Moist Sand
- Jury Rigged Golems no longer engage instantly upon entering the area
- Corrected marker positions for all areas on the world map
- Each animal in Scofarth now only drops a single instance of Animal Pelt
- Isla's staff is now identified by default
- Trapped Jade's dialogue now starts correctly when approached by companions
Update v1.2.45 (November 23rd, 2022)
Fixes and improvements:
- You can now create a full custom party instead of a single character if you prefer
- You can also use our free website to create your characters
- Added Spanish and Latin American Spanish localizations
- Improved game balance
- Redesigned Charisma, Focus and Dexterity
- Increased damage bonus of Clean hits from 25% to 50%
- Damaging and Healing Spells can now cause Critical effects
- Using Dissuade to complete quests now properly gives quest rewards
- Interruption is now based on the Interrupt Strength and Interrupt Evasion stats
- Critical hits now produce camera shake when killing the target only
- Switching back and forth during character creation no longer results in Special Ability uses
- Spawning too close to the guards at Isilbright Gates during Gerdra's approach no longer causes the game to freeze
- The player party now keeps its formation while approaching the enemy leader during the final cutscene at Woeful Gorge
- Reduced Frozen effect duration of Shivering Tomb spell
- Removed Stun effect from Shivering Tomb spell
- Reduced the range of the Panic effect of Demonic Gift: Unholy Growth spell
- Reduced the periodic damage component of the Tattered Woman's Blood Cloud spell
- Acid Rain, Brickfall, Celestial Barrage, Permafrost and Wasp Assault now count as damage over time effects
- King Velianrick's crown can no longer be looted after his death
- Fixed Reaver item stats
- Fixed Pyroclaster item stats
Update v1.2.44 (September 30th, 2022)
Fixes and improvements:
- Fixed mechanics for Pick Lock, Force Lock, Hide and Sneak and looting from owned containers
- Reviving party members no longer fails their companion quests
- All party member quests now fail if the connected companion dies irreversibly
- Updated available spell list for Druids, Wintermages and Templars
- Arnulf's map marker now follows him to Fasitgrove
- The "Warm" status effect now has a correct description
Update v1.2.43 (September 21st, 2022)
Fixes and improvements:
- Increased sight range for all creatures
- Sight range now takes into account the body size as well
- Added duration and amount scaling for Summoning spells
- Adjusted stats and resistances to summoned creatures
- Quest items in the inventory now become Miscellaneous items when their quest ends
- Gibbed companions can now be resurrected with Twisted Requiem up to Veteran difficulty
- Twisted Requiem no longer resurrects the caster when it dies by the spell
- Stealing from containers in range of owners now produces a Sneaking skillcheck with -10 penalty
- Pressing any key now skips the intro screen sequence
- Fixes in the Turkish localization
- Greed and reputation rewards adjusted for several quests
- Added more loot to dungeons, cities, houses, npcs and outdoors areas
- The formations panel now automatically saves changes
- More information is now displayed about multiclassing on character creation and class tabs
- The Taunt effect of the To The Rescue spell no longer makes summoned creatures hostile
- Sneaking is now disabled when traveling between areas
- Sephthys' minions are now immune to her frost area spell
- Hamlin's death does no longer breaks the Espen Estate portrait cutscene
- The entire Thieves Guild now becomes hostile if Lendel is attacked
- Poisoning the river flowing through Scofarth now fails all unfinished quests in the town
- Adjusted heal values for healing and shielding spells: For the master, Divine Aid, Mystic Bulwark, Soothing Tides, Healing Mist, Drain Life, Life Funnel
- Corrected stats for Handful of Sparks
- Summon Boar spell can now be used by Convokers and Spellweavers, and Summon Boar Scroll now properly adds the Summon Boar spell
- The Magical Antidote in the Trapped Under The Surface Quest can now be placed in bottomless bags
- Status effect immunities are now displayed properly in item descriptions
- Random Encounter Areas can now produce ambushes when resting
- Musanni now takes the proper potion from the player when offering help
- Added Weight class to armor item stats
- Dalkivar is now reachable by travelling west from Screaming Barrows
- Golden grapes are now lootable before starting While the Master Vintner's Away
- Screaming Barrows ghouls and zombies now have correct dispatch ranges
- Reduced weight for Rose Amarit
- Increased Ruby Tipped Bracelet's Health bonus from 2 to 8
- Scroll name for Crypt Opening: Skeleton Archer is now displayed properly
August 2nd, 2022
- Turkish and Russian localizations added
- Full companion quest implemented for Arvex
- Rebalanced physical and elemental resistance bonuses for armors, weapons, races and classes
- Rebalanced damage values of two-handed weapons and damage, price and stack sizes of ranged weapons and projectiles to be more useful
- Decreased Rothgor's melee attack timing
- Tutorials for Gerdra's offer and entering the Black Geyser now appear properly
- Increased Health values regained when drinking healing potions
- Alnarius priests will now reward the player based on Reputation instead of Greed
- Baflodac's gang downstairs and outside now turn hostile if Baflodac is attacked upstairs
- Unnecessary recipe item replaced with a valid recipe
- Creatures of Amanuel's Hoard will now react as groups when attacked
- Creatures of Elven Ruins in Scofarth will now react as groups when attacked
- Fixed the on-hit mechanics for the Scutiactus and Gloves of Inscrutable Defense items
- Eloinne now takes all necessary medicine from the player in Urgently Needed Medicine
- Animated Armor and Animated Hands in Wardenhaft can now react if the player loots unauthorized containers
June 29th, 2022
- 3440x1440 resolution now always works correctly
- Fixed Shady Dealer dialogue in Garden of Delights
- Added Potion Case, Parchment Satchel and Ingredient Pouch for storing items
- Item containers (such as bottomless bags) now retain their content if sold
- Temple of Alnarius no longer needs a loading screen in Market Street
- Level 1 to 4 scrolls are now restocked by vendors
- Jade romance now has a correct cutscene
- The Fish Out of Water quest now correctly ends in every scenario
- Fixed ghost visual effects
- Loot added to many empty containers in Crimson Crossing
- Loot added to small houses in Amanuel's Hoard
- Loot added to Fasitgrove houses
- Isilmerald Sightseeing achievement description is now more accurate
- Multiclass characters can now utilize the Outlaw "Disarm Trap" skill as well instead of Magical Perception to disarm the Wizard's tutorial trap
- The levelup tutorial no longer appears if the player finishes the levelup process while another tutorial panel is displayed
- The Twisted Requiem spell now properly adds buffs to the revived party members and reduces the caster's HP by the correct amount
- Resurrection fix: Revived character's contribution to Adventure XP will not be lost as long as they can be revived
- Additional recipes added to various vendors (Ilio, Zelima, Hu'dai, Red Damsel, Freynagar Brewery, Ay'eda, Regon, Arnulf, Aravina, Deron-Guld Herbalist, Southern Shore)
- Incorrect reply options no longer appear in Rothgor starting dialogue
- Cannibals, corrupted wolves and skeletons added to Castle Alastor outdoors area
- All powders are now plantable
- Planting stacked items no longer plants the full stack
- Large white visual bug no longer appears for some freezing effects
- Tolbard's shop now displays correctly in all circumstances
- Arnulf now correctly moves to Fasitgrove after you complete his quest
- The Estranged Sisters quest no longer gives gold as a reward when it shouldn't
- Fixed Kronica longsword's attack times to match other Longswords
- Added missing Shortbow damage bonus for Fighters
- The Divine Aid spell now damages Abominations as well
- Isla cutscene no longer breaks in the Trapped Under the Surface quest when you attack her
- Shady Dealer can now spawn/despawn while he is in party sight
- Reply option that ends the companion dialogue is now always the last option
- Reply option in Stephan's dialogue now correctly reflects your intention to attack him in the Trapped Under the Surface quest
- Fixed a bug that prevented Lich Agelas from casting the Unholy Siblings spell
- More loot added to Thieves' Guild and cemetery crypts
- Increased XP value for Xurzax the Devourer
- Increased Gryphon sight range and XP value
May 27th, 2022
- Tons of mini-banters added
- Finished/extended the Hamlin, Bjalla and Jade companion quests
- 37 new achievements added (the Arvex one can't be completed yet)
- Aldnar cutscene (with potential battle) now respects your party formation
- Multiselect item highlights in shops now disappear properly when switching item category
- Quest inventory is now shared across party members
- Items can now be moved to subcontainers (e,g, bottomless bags) via usual inventory "lift & drop" operation (there is no need to open the container UI any longer)
- Added tutorials for infusion, world greed, Gerdra encounter, and point-of-no-return in Alastor
- There are now five HP indicator labels (uninjured, slightly injured, injured, badly injured, nearly dead)
- Minor chain lightning no longer harms party members and allies
- Changed house name from "Family Home" to "Wilgo's House" for Estranged Sisters quest
- Dozens of fixes in quests and dialogues
- Staff of New Dawn (an item offering resurrection) added to Zelima and Ay'eda shops
- Deron-Guld soldiers are no longer hostile after you side with Aldnar
- Banter texts remain visible for longer times over characters for better readability
- World Map tutorial now appears correctly when leaving Crone's Hut
- Consumable item descriptions are now always displayed correctly
- Gundemund's Freezing Tips now have proper AoE targeting marker
- Gerdra messenger cutscene can no longer get stuck
- Stunned or frozen creatures can no longer evade attacks
- Wights in Xurzax battle were put closer so that they can notice the party
- The Pact Prophecy can no longer be put back to its container
- Fixed missing wardstone description image
May 13th, 2022
- You can now use the worldmap to travel to reachable areas without the need to visit area border (many less loading screens)
- Multiclassing is now more worthwhile (previously, XP requirements of chosen classes were summed for multiclassing; these XP sums are now reduced by 20% for using two classes, and 40% for using three classes)
- Magical bags for additional item storage: Superabundant Sack of Swinishness and Bottomless Bag of Bulguras (the latter is available in Wardenhaft at Quartermaster Plexius and in Garden of Delights at Ay'eda)
- Rebalanced final battle
- Pre-buffing and summons are now possible before most key battles
- Fixed issues with spell targeting cursor behavior
- Fixed issues with Isla's multiclass stats
- Resting is now allowed in the priest tent in undead-infested Deron-Guld
- Zoria in cage can no longer be attacked with ranged weapons either
- Exodemons are now properly immune to Depressive and Arousal Effects
- Demilich is now properly immune to Bleed
May 6th, 2022
- New feature: Pass Time
- Jade is now properly bound to the wheel
- Several items (including throwing weapons) were rebalanced to be stronger
- Quest items can no longer be transferred to a container in the loot window
- Comparison tooltips now correctly show the Base Block Chance in both sides
- Lower interruption chance is now marked with green in comparison tooltips
- Completed quest filter checkbox now retains its setting
- Month names and historical year established
- The Brewing & Drying UI now has correct sound effects
- Hitting Sir Dalnor no longer makes whole Isilbright hostile
- Added camera shake to Blood and Ice Elemental hits
- Alenar no longer takes more than one enerant bark from party
- Increased damage of ordinary and plagued ghouls
- Second level of Alastor now has correct Blood Elemental version
- Mistress Tyrenne and her acolytes now attack the party after dialogue
- Fixed the price of Duskmarble and Star-Spangled Greatshield
- Fixed Teamster dialogue after ambush
- Claudio and Bonitia are now present in their house all the time
- Removed gold loot from Abyssal Hunters at Grandmaster Argos Agelas
- Crimson Wraith XP value increased to 500
- Summoned Wights now have the proper undead specific immunities
- Fixed the race of Wights and Posessed Robes (from Wraith to Revenant)
- Krag has now a soundset that fits his personality
- Tenebrous Grove travel marker added to minimap
- Added loot to many Crimson Crossing containers
- Iwor now holds a giant hammer instead of a spiked club
April 11th, 2022
- Bjalla romance cutscene fixed
- Resurrected companions now always come with their gear (Normal and Easy)
- Staff of Tree Warden no longer marked as a Metal item
- Some Alastor opponents rebalanced
April 8th, 2022
- Savegames now get correct timestamps
- The Dryad's seed can no longer be planted on the wrong side of the river
- Royal Guard patrol route no longer includes the Palace execution scene
- Cultists now properly target party members in Frick's house
- More creatures die now in Scofarth due to the river poisoning
- Reordered Dalkivar hiding peasants reward reply options
April 7th, 2022
- Talgorn's Glen now always loads correctly
- Dead party member simulacrums are no longer lootable
- AoE targeting marker now works correctly near corpses and items on the ground
- Completed filter now works properly in Side quests journal
- Grendych now properly leaves after you save him
- Story mode was made easier (enemy damage and HP reduced)
April 6th, 2022
- Performance improvements
- Combat log window now retains its height between areas
- Resolution related fixes with 8K support added
- Berthold now correctly appears so that you can report back to him
- Divine Aid no longer heals undead opponents
- Velianrick, Aldnar and War Council are correctly despawned when needed
- Powder creation based on recipes now works correctly
- Amanuel's Hoard can now be visited even after its quest is completed
- Added more types of ammo to shops
- Added bigger stacks and restocks to shops
- Added throwing weapons to several shops
- Fixed an item-related bug that caused a big greed change incorrectly
- Changed Isla hair style to match her portrait
April 1st, 2022
- Added duration scaling to many buffs and debuffs
- Fixed some bugs related to the Scofarth bandits
March 30th, 2022
- Combat mode no longer gets stuck when moving far from enemies
- Defeating Lord Amanuel now gives correct XP
- Madruk now correctly appears at his home after curing him
- Looting containers in embassies is no longer possible without consequences
- Helgenhar no longer speaks in Amanuel dialogue if he is not in party
- Amanuel's lackeys now have the correct race set
Launch Updates
First of all, we wanted to say thank you to those of you who have picked up Black Geyser and ventured through the dangerous Kingdom of Isilmerald so far. We’ve loved seeing folks try the game and have been using your valuable feedback to fix and patch the items you’ve brought to our attention.
March 18th, 2022
- Log now shows party greed increase/decrease correctly (earlier, it showed decrease incorrectly as increase too)
- Support for additional wide/ultrawide screen resolutions
- Tutorial highlights and panels no longer appear during cutscenes and dialogues
- Minor fixes in class descriptions in character creation screen
March 20th, 2022
- All paths work now after getting the Pact Prophecy
March 21st, 2022
- Animal pelt from Early Access save games no longer corrupts shops
- Generous reply option now works in Lord Frelsi dialogue
- Main quest no longer breaks when player helps Lorin
- Shop no longer breaks when selling a split stack of throwing knife
- Double-clicking a shield now correctly equips it to the 2nd weapon set as well
- Zoria Titan interrupt chance fixed
March 22nd, 2022
- Outlaw sneaking tutorial at Crone is now more user-friendly
- Compendium no longer contains duplicate/multiple entries
- Effect durations can no longer get stuck
- Fixed XP value and HP for Chimera and Lizard
- Hu'dai now spawns both day and night
- Krag and Smolf no longer have generic commoner dialogues
March 23rd, 2022
- Quick-save system can no longer freeze the gameplay
- Lorin now actively helps if the party carries the Alakai sword
- Removed duplicate heat resistance from Corrupted Gryphon
- Corrupted Gryphon XP value fixed
- Ruflodac's Simulacrum shaders fixed
March 24th, 2022
- Dialogue skillcheck fixed in Bjalla's Mendelroth dialogue
- Dialogue reply options can now be scrolled while cursor is over a reply option
- Fixed Dalkivar peasants getting stuck during leaving cutscene
- Fixed several Hamlin side quest and dialogue bugs
- Stolen Painting cutscene now triggers even when scorpions are attacking
March 25th, 2022
- Added grey color for inactive class skill calculation tooltips
- Fixed Miraculous Antidote heat level for brewing
- Sleepwalker dream ending cutscene fixed
- Alvimelkedic temple door condition fixed
- Fixed minor faction issue with Cult Fanatic
March 28th, 2022
- Gershom no longer accepts less than 6 bones
- Fixed a bug that prevented leaving Alvimelkedic in some cases
- Spell scaling fixed for Severine's Sparkle
- Added loot and gold to intoxicated thieves
- Category and Race fixed for some Abyssal Knights and Archers
Update 19 (14/01/2022)
- Added AoE spellcasting behavior selector to party members (including Reckless behavior!)
- Improved stability and usability for the bug report tool
- Upgraded visuals for the Broken Monastery
- Upgraded visuals for Freynagar's ice dome
- Fixed lighting in the Underground Cave, Time Cave and Dream Cave
- Fixed spawn points and orientations in many areas
- Party members now spawn facing enemies on random encounter areas
- Fixed a cutscene bug when entering Deron-Guld without the diplomatic escort
- Slings now count as one-handed weapons
- Fixed Jade's recruitment dialogue
- Jade's diadem can now be removed or equipped after purification
- The Old Beginnings quest now gives proper rewards and causes greed and reputation changes
- The Old Beginnings quest now results in proper greed and reputation changes
- Damage profile and hit ratio for summoned spiders and wolves has been adjusted
- Recipes cannot be learned any more by inspecting their descriptions in shops
- Members removed from the party no longer show their current HP in empty party slots
- Creature nameplates from the previous area now disappear properly during transition
- Several unlootable containers have been fixed
- Race and Class descriptions now fit their respective panels in Character Generation
- Several stairs have been fixed where party characters would spawn under them
- Weapons are no longer teleported away from creatures when looting their gear
- Several locations have been fixed where invisible / stealth characters were seen by npc-s
- Sparing the enemy is now handled properly in "Galdrigerr's Raider Problem"
- The door to Beline's home now appears properly in the revolt of Chapter 3
- Siding with Aldnar in Chapter 3 now makes his gate guards friendly upon exit
- Formula of the Pick Locks skill now works properly
- Weight calculation now works properly for all party members
- The bridge of the Crimson Crossing is now properly clickable
- The Entangle spell now correctly creates the Immobilize effect
- Crowd chatter and noises are inactive at the Wardenhaft Academy during night
- Inn room descriptions now fit their UI panels properly
- Information on multi-selecting items is now displayed in the Shop Tutorial
- Added missing "Poisonous" stat to ingredients
- The Panic effect of the Coat of Darkness spell is now visible in the combat log
- The Talgorn Inn's name is now properly displayed in the minimap
- Spirits of Beline and Fidelio are now exempt from spells and damage
- Added dialogue to the Red Damsel innkeeper
- Door highlight of the Frozen Spirit inn is now displayed properly
- Added stat description to the Poison Weapon spell
- Blade of the Widowmaker greatsword now faces the proper direction
- NPCs in the Valley of Singing Trees now help defeat some local enemies if needed
Update 18 (23/12/2021)
- Bug Reporting feature added: press Alt + B to use it
- Outlaws now get 2 Class Skill points at level-up
- Party no longer gets stuck when entering certain doors
- Shop inventories now restock projectiles more often
- Fustibals no longer cause visual glitches in certain conditions
- Attack resolution tooltips are now displayed in proper positions
- Status effects are now applied properly by complex spells
- Attribute values are now capped at 20
- The Abandoned Mines miser no longer detects invisible creatures
- The peasants in Dalkivar no longer detect invisible creatures
- Creature name tooltips are now presented at the proper height
- Tooltips are now kept inside screen boundaries
- Enhanced tooltips and descriptions for damage types
- Enhanced tooltips and descriptions for weapon attack time
- Proper titles added for compendium entries of the tutorial
- The Courtier's entry dialogue can now be initiated once only
- Fixed several issues with the Graverobbers' dialogue in Greybark
- Command Company UI now closes when switching between party members
- The Family Home in Greybark can now be properly entered and left
- The Wyrmblood Garb is now visible on all character models
- Bandits in Scofarth now react properly when attacked
- Iwor is now present both day and night in Deron-Guld
- The stableman is now present both day and night in Deron-Guld
- The shopkeeper in Greybark Pawnshop is now always present
- The smoking bowl in Ilio's Curio now appears properly
- Fixed a typo in blacksmith Solomon's dialogue
- Fixed the cook's dialogue in Brightguard Headquarters
- Text for Lily's dialogue is now displayed with proper color
Update 17 (14/12/2021)
Fixes and improvements
- Improved loading times for major cities and towns
- Weapon and shield bonuses are now correctly applied on equip
- Creatures are now healed fully when leaving a major area
- Consumables can now be equipped by double clicking
- Negative resistance bonuses are now correctly displayed in the console
- Challenging Howl can no longer be resisted by the caster
- Ranged attacks are no longer possible if target is out of sight
- Targeted spellcasting is only possible if target is within line of sight
- Scroll descriptions now show if the spell is known by the current character
- Keyboard scrolling is now possible while UI elements are selected
- Added missing illustrations for bullets and diadems
- Weight capacity formula is now changed to allow more loot to be carried
- Increased Shared Burden's weight capacity to 40% (from 20%)
- Yellow position circles are now properly displayed for panicking creatures
- Chests with summoning spell traps now work correctly
- Added unique names to Adventurers encountered in Yerengal
- Added text colors to important NPCs, companions and adventurers
- Companions leaving the party now properly return to their preferred taverns
- Fixed running animation of Dire Wolves
- The method used for Identifying is now shown in the console
- Various Sleepwalker related bugfixes
- The Mad Lumberjack quest can now only be started only if Locus is visible
- The Crimson Plague's blood splatter no longer follows the player around
- Blood Elementals can now cause Blood Pools on the ground
- Item names are no longer truncated by tooltip backgrounds
- Generated fog and myst now appears properly in indoors areas
Update 16 (03/12/2021)
- Improved loading times for Market Street and Castle District
- Attack Time is now displayed for all weapons
- Added missing music to the Amanuel's Hoard area
- Owners of locked containers now react to looting attempts
- Line of Sight for spellcasting has been fixed
- Leveling up in older saves now enable choosing Phase 2 spells
- Fixed visual artifacts on the ground in Deron-Guld Mines
- The Herbary can now be entered properly in Amanuel's Hoard
- Knockdown effect now works properly for weapon attacks and skills
- Game difficulty is now properly stored and loaded from saves
- Fixed the formula of generating Status Effects with weapon attacks
- Enemies now stop attacking a character that goes into Sneaking
- Added option for auto-pause on combat start in Random Encounter areas
- Player Gold value is now displayed in the Temple UI
- Enerant attacks now cause the proper amount of damage
- Crimson Crossing is no longer greyed out again when talking to Alumu's deputy
- Hamlin's ring is now properly moved to the player
- Poacher's Due side quest now makes Talgorn's Glen visible
- Jade's dialogue now handles a full party when asked to join
- The Dark Belt of Malice is now properly handled as a Magical item
- The Sling of Vexing is now properly handled as a Magical item
- Added proper model and position to the Staff of the Tree Warden
- Fixed attack times of Wrought Iron Mace and Maple Shortbow
- The Predator's Fang spell now works properly
- Summoned skeletons now properly emerge and attack their targets
- Visual fixes for the Healing Mist spell
- Fixed the spirit's appearance in The Haunted Tavern
- Fixed petrified state of creatures in The Haunted Tavern
- Fixed double mention of the dodge stat in Evasion's tooltip
- Fixed the Maidservant's dialogue substitution in Kjarvalr's Mansion
- Added melee weapon to Wardenhaft Academy's herbalist
- Tooltips for now display base Dodge, Parry and Block values where applicable
Update 15 / Phase 2 (25/11/2021)
- Additional Main Quests: Choices you take affect the game world and the overall story in the last chapter.
- Fresh Side Quests: A variety of new side quests have been added, including long anticipated companion quests.
- Re-imagined Starting Experience: The game’s introduction has been completely, revamped with more information, more player guidance and options for how to complete it
- 6 New Locations: Bringing with it a group of areas from the frozen north, Phase 2 also brings two dungeon areas for players to explore.
- Character Generation Refinements: The first of two significant improvements to character creation is an improved experience as well as improved UI.
- Added new low-level spells: Who doesn't want greater flexibility on casters when starting out?
- Spell & Item Refinements: We’ve rebalanced spells and items to give greater selection, and more power where it’s needed.
- Combat Update: Damage scaling has been reworked alongside fairer damage interruption.
- New Temple UI: For recovering from healing and reviving characters, removing curses, and donating.
- Fresh SFX: New sound sets for both male and female protagonists!
- Companion XP Catch-up System: Rejoice, your newly recruited companion's XP and level are matched to the protagonist.
- New Boss Fights: Fresh challenges await as you’ll face off against new bosses who aren’t for the faint hearted. For those who do manage to topple them, they’ll offer unique loot
Update 14 (04/11/2021)
- Tutorial is now more player-friendly and fail-safe
- Damage values in combat console are now explained via tooltips
- Effect names in descriptions now offer tooltips
- Travelling is no longer possible with a scattered party
- Added weather effects to all outdoors areas
- Added dying animation for Cold specific death
- Added class-specific starting chests for the Prologue
- The "Straight Line" formation no longer prevents the party from entering doors
- Item tooltips no longer exceed screen boundaries
- Creatures no longer spawn on shared coordinates during day-night changes
Update 13 (14/10/2021)
- Character creation no longer gets stuck when selecting a Dwarf on Mac
- Fixed general bugs that could prevent certain quests from finishing
- Fixed some Sleepwalker battle related bugs
Update 12 (08/10/2021)
Fixes and improvements
- Added Mac & Linux builds
- Global performance improvements
- Party members can now be revived regardless of being gibbed on lower difficulties
- Party members now respawn in full equipment when revived at temples at Novice and Normal Difficulties
- Party members now respawn without equipment when revived at temples at Veteran Difficulty
- Original party order is now restored when reviving party members
- Summoning creatures now properly attack any hostile creature
- Characters now receive bonuses from currently equipped projectiles only
- Formations are now retained when traveling between areas
- Creature groups now react properly to having a member attacked (whole group is called)
- Improved accuracy of attribute and class descriptions during character generation
- Move commands while using formation no longer send characters over walls anymore
- Quests "Trails and Tribulations" and "The City of Iron" now give better directions for objectives
- The "Trapped Under the Surface" quest now gives better directions for objectives
- Added a stableman to the Garden of Delights for the "Ostler For a Day" quest
Update 11 (22/09/2021)
Fixes and improvements
- Optimized loading times for most houses and indoor transitions
- Creatures will no longer wander beyond area boundaries
- Fixed loot bags causing loading screens to get stuck
- Gibs (falling to pieces) can now be disabled in Settings
- Added interact option and base dialogue to Siracca
- Fixes in Command Company behavior
- Exceeded level cap no longer causes issues
- Fixed the quest path for trying to spare Gaston in Smite the Smith
- Fixed Peer Pressure journal entry mentioning Zelima instead of Ilio
- Added dialogue to the bandits at the Moonstone in Trapped Under the Surface
- Added missing starting journal entry to The City of Iron
- Fixed spawn points at the Garden of Delights Great Pavilion
- Attacking giants in Deron-Guld now turns the entire city hostile
- Lieutenant Reeves now has proper combat behavior
- Giant and cyclops can now deal damage in combat
- Added more diverse merchant dialogue options
- Added book contents to "Trials of the White Elves"
- Added loading screen hint about item splitting
Update 10 (15/09/2021)
Fixes and improvements
- Creatures now fall into pieces after receiving a great amount of damage
- Time Stone now only destroys similar sized magical items besides the antidote
- Damaging, healing and summoning spells now get stronger with caster level (improved version)
- Status effects can no longer cause black screens when traveling between areas
- Weapons and shields in active weapon sets no longer provide bonuses
- Fixed blurring of custom portraits on lower Graphics Presets
- Added support for more accented characters
- Portal now closes correctly after the Manticore is defeated
- Decreased difficulty of some random encounter and adventurer parties
- Fixed improper item difficulties also affecting scroll learnability
- Fixed creature name tooltips getting stuck after killing them
- Fixed difficulty levels greyed out in Settings menu
- Fixed rune colors in Deron-Guld Mines
- Fixed music in a house in Greybark Square
Update 9 (13/09/2021)
- Characters can now walk as well instead of running (hold SHIFT while clicking with the mouse)
- Keybind (default: SHIFT) can now be changed that gives a walking command to party members
- Fixed some "Heal over time" effects not working on various spells and potions
- Fixed information texts on various locations
Update 8 (11/09/2021)
- Damaging, healing and summoning spells now get stronger with caster level (initial version)
- Fixed gray highlight on chests that had separate parts
- Chest that wasn't lootable in Brightguard HQ now works properly
- Increased XP reward for Shadowfury Demon
Update 7 (08/09/2021)
- Fixed a bug that made non-full parties stuck during cutscenes
- Skill Point formula for Pray / Dream / Commune is now properly displayed
- NPCs now properly seek new targets after defeating summoned creatures
- Evasion calculations now properly display bonuses gained from items
- AI no longer targets enemies under FoW with spells
- Magical items are now marked with a Magic icon everywhere
- Fixed the bridge in Crimson Crossing not being clickable
- Fixed a bug that locked Arvex' dialogue during his side quest
- Fixed a bug where resting with a full inventory would cause a black screen
- Added travel hints when worldmap destinations are highlighted
- Fixed Fog of War issues on several areas
- Fixed a bug where Etarkun would attack the player party right as they approached
- Resting is now possible in Random Encounter areas
Update 6 (05/09/2021)
- Items can now be sorted by their Type in the inventory
- Loading indicator added to the black screen of internal area transitions
- Party Perks are now active at their correct cohesion/diversity values
- Game texts (English) now appear correctly on Turkish systems as well
- Added proper dialogue to the General Store in Deron-Guld Center
- Fixed Armor of Alnarius duration and description
- Fixed some inaccessible containers
- Fixed Vine-Grown Bow stats
Update 5 (03/09/2021)
- Font size scaling options introduced in main menu
- Containers that are known to be empty are now highlighted with gray
- Added option to close loot windows automatically when using "Take All"
- Fixed an issue where having "Autopause on Character Death" would cause the game to get stuck
- More accurate description for General, Class and Weapon Skills
- Fast mode is now retained between combat sessions, areas and saves
- Combat and dialogue log size is now retained between areas and saves
- Scrolls can now be stacked up to an amount of 20
- Quests no longer take all items when they should take only one item
- Items carried in NPC inventories are now usually stealable
- Items that were identified by the player now appear correctly in the shop
- White Writhers in the Underground Cave no longer move after their death
- Containers now handle at least 56 items
- Added loot to NPCs in the Isilbright Gates area
- Looting inside the detection range of a suspicious NPC will not break stealth anymore
- Sea Hag's interaction dialogue can now be properly accessed
- Sea Hag's quest will now properly finish when finishing the objectives
- Side quest "The Cursed" can now be properly finished
- Added missing Rilvite slab items to Deron-Guld
Update 4 (31/08/2021)
- Sea Hag can now be properly recruited at the end of her quest
- Fixed a bug where a Command Company perk would lead to black screens upon rest
- Brewing/drying panel's arrow buttons now work properly when there are more than 12 ingredients
- Friendly creatures will never attack each other from now on
- Character sheet now properly displays damage of ranged weapons
- Recipes in vendor inventories are no longer readable before purchased
- Bargain and Persuasion now properly affects shop prices
- Encumbrance is now re-calculated whenever carrying capacity changes
- Shop screens now properly open at the end of dialogues
- Portraits added for Mendelroth and Governor Salazar
- Baflodac's gang now reacts properly if attacked
- Stacking behavior fixed for unidentified items
Update 3 (31/08/2021)
- Resurrection of dead party members now works in Isilbright and Deron-Guld
- Shops for Eldin, Bellun, Jolvar, Ilio and Zelima no longer inacessible while their quest is active
- Siracca now helps to kill both assassins after her cutscene
- Fixed Vine Grown bow and Edge of Dusk related dialogues
- Arvex now has all his items identified when you recruit him
- Fixed Dwarf race description
- Added missing status icon for Blood Cloud
Update 2 (30/08/2021)
- Leaving Haunted Mansion no longer causes a freeze if you have summoned a skeleton beforehand
- Wardenhaft is now reachable from the southern border of Castle District
- Deron-Guld Gates are now reachable from the western border of Stoutwood Pass
- Zelima now has correct shop inventory after you complete her quest
- Branch of the Night Queen now has correct 3D model
- Bendy and Black Jenny no longer uses a male dying soundset
- Improved accuracy for some quest journals
- Bugfixes for summoned creatures
Update 1 (27/08/2021)
- Hotkeys are now properly displayed in tooltip texts
- The Burning effect now causes Heat damage in every case
- Enerant fights can no longer make the Immobilized effect stuck on your character
- Command Company buffs now provide tooltips
- Fixes in Party Perks functionality
- Throwing weapons cannot be put to projectile slots any longer
- Select All Common buttons cannot break shops any longer
- Krag cannot appear multiple times anymore in the area after you give him a potion
- Candle-related bug fixes in the tutorial
- Several extra Loading Screen hints have been added to further explain game features
- Loading screen hints will inform you when you are ambushed during your travels
- More accurate Journal Entries added