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The Restless Sheep & The Lone Wolf -Woolly Eyes GAIDEN- - Build 58159331477397743

Basic Info

Build ID 58159331477397743
Install directory The Restless Sheep & The Lone Wolf -Woolly Eyes GAIDEN-/
Root product ID 1299271261
Build published 2024-12-04 09:19
Branch Not set
Version 1.0.1
URL https://gog-cdn-fastly.gog.com/content-system/v2/meta/86/a6/86a6bf330105bb5efc8fb28cfc526f5e
Tags csb_11_0_0_w_19, 11_0_0_19
Client ID 57675964007477401
Client secret 43b4e74ba72ec2777caa2fec17ebdcf0e0ab0c54060a8cd80b1cfe06111a0622
Dependencies None
Script interpreter True
Generation 2


Name Product ID Script Temp executable Temp arguments
The Restless Sheep & The Lone Wolf -Woolly Eyes GAIDEN- 1299271261
The Restless Sheep & The Lone Wolf -Woolly Eyes GAIDEN- UNRATED 1286793774


Languages Product ID Size Bitness Attribute Manifest ID
en-US 1299271261 1.1 GB Any be148a96e0e9d1434b65cdeef0973e3e
en-US 1286793774 876.4 MB Any 6d2781675982c4c52cbae32f443f82f1
en-US 1299271261 1.8 kB Any GOG 936e85bc43d7fbea7dd0415e21bf2ffc
en-US 1286793774 556 Bytes Any GOG abac80f4cfe7dd5b5b9f1c954129fc75
* 1299271261 2.7 kB Any Offline 6bac74babb4e360e124f791d065837f0