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The Outer Worlds - Build 54139346351817848

Basic Info

Build ID 54139346351817848
Install directory The Outer Worlds/
Root product ID 1242541569
Build published 2021-02-17 06:20
Branch Not set
URL https://gog-cdn-fastly.gog.com/content-system/v2/meta/43/e3/43e3cf36b6543a3e23769afb9e449ecf
Tags csb_10_6_1_w_147, galaxy
Client ID 53695556585815931
Client secret fc24fee87c340723e0bd3d61831986a62d558ff6817dccd68943b5b96d7743a1
Dependencies UE4REDIST
Script interpreter True
Generation 2


Name Product ID Script Temp executable Temp arguments
The Outer Worlds 1242541569
The Outer Worlds: Peril on Gorgon 1413082838
The Outer Worlds: Murder on Eridanos 2085332045


Languages Product ID Size Bitness Attribute Manifest ID
en-US 1242541569 59.4 GB Any 3c475de8a3eeaf2fc59725c4a67195d3
en-US 1242541569 3.1 kB Any GOG 5f6aa60bb590214d15e5f2c6d5735e8b
en-US 1242541569 997 Bytes Any GOG ce9bded9fd4453fc034160c769072456
* 1242541569 881 Bytes Any GOG c10057e9c009a2668cdb37dcbcf2bc80
* 1242541569 38 Bytes Any GOG b0b08d71e07b78a650161d7adeaa7050
en-US 1413082838 157 Bytes Any GOG 524304002fa6e0f58b27c5c583c34ef6
en-US 1413082838 295 Bytes Any GOG e41e58a3331a726b2004139b6453adf3
en-US 2085332045 157 Bytes Any GOG 15990ca0e01afb7f01355a185fbc8805
en-US 2085332045 298 Bytes Any GOG 8c99005391cef273889d0997c422d35a
* 1242541569 2.3 kB Any Offline 6e3440e8b27b319ea07160430f9b2973