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Stranger Things 3: The Game - Build 53151710776210372

Basic Info

Build ID 53151710776210372
Install directory Stranger Things 3 The Game/
Root product ID 1208147658
Build published 2020-03-12 20:21
Branch Not set
Version 891
URL https://gog-cdn-fastly.gog.com/content-system/v2/meta/c2/a1/c2a1f848a33875fd7cee60cee997dfbc
Tags editor_v_1_4_0, csb_10_6_1_w_130, galaxy
Client ID 52281526920992024
Client secret 2bf6fd1a8eddaf288a9d57bc4514451c772a045cae81c4697d37d43301d798a7
Dependencies DirectX
Script interpreter True
Generation 2


Name Product ID Script Temp executable Temp arguments
Stranger Things 3: The Game 1208147658


Languages Product ID Size Bitness Attribute Manifest ID
it-IT, pt-BR, da-DK, de-DE, fr-FR, ko-KR, ja-JP, pl-PL, sv-SE, tr-TR, es-MX, es-ES, en-US 1208147658 853.5 MB Any 2529870c4687aa99d074335d1cdfcec9
da-DK 1208147658 157 Bytes Any GOG 09abd10da145137f68e0e418c147a51d
da-DK 1208147658 955 Bytes Any GOG 0f5e8f5125c9deb847b618b6c5bffdbb
de-DE 1208147658 157 Bytes Any GOG 09abd10da145137f68e0e418c147a51d
de-DE 1208147658 955 Bytes Any GOG af41903b605b8150b7f1d2a7eda78c34
en-US 1208147658 157 Bytes Any GOG 09abd10da145137f68e0e418c147a51d
en-US 1208147658 956 Bytes Any GOG aa01e83d83c66c70468551d94098df26
tr-TR 1208147658 157 Bytes Any GOG 09abd10da145137f68e0e418c147a51d
tr-TR 1208147658 956 Bytes Any GOG 298a3d1a9988ebf526ac246c0e3cc2c1
pl-PL 1208147658 157 Bytes Any GOG 09abd10da145137f68e0e418c147a51d
pl-PL 1208147658 955 Bytes Any GOG 2f3fa8aa85902e46263390ff9af4372f
sv-SE 1208147658 157 Bytes Any GOG 09abd10da145137f68e0e418c147a51d
sv-SE 1208147658 956 Bytes Any GOG 08e991277687901746a9ff5b8ec01694
fr-FR 1208147658 157 Bytes Any GOG 09abd10da145137f68e0e418c147a51d
fr-FR 1208147658 955 Bytes Any GOG 27e19f7a5b5aa643301b08043cd1001c
es-MX 1208147658 157 Bytes Any GOG 09abd10da145137f68e0e418c147a51d
es-MX 1208147658 971 Bytes Any GOG e07c8d923f4ebe356093257fcd045b49
it-IT 1208147658 157 Bytes Any GOG 09abd10da145137f68e0e418c147a51d
it-IT 1208147658 956 Bytes Any GOG 1a4fbd0f4d35b7a9bbcf18d3cca83d76
ja-JP 1208147658 157 Bytes Any GOG 09abd10da145137f68e0e418c147a51d
ja-JP 1208147658 957 Bytes Any GOG 71f287215eed537dce6967ed10137381
es-ES 1208147658 157 Bytes Any GOG 09abd10da145137f68e0e418c147a51d
es-ES 1208147658 956 Bytes Any GOG b38aaa81a20425d0b526e51a38f91ce5
ko-KR 1208147658 157 Bytes Any GOG 09abd10da145137f68e0e418c147a51d
ko-KR 1208147658 955 Bytes Any GOG 77f2c218e1c960e27dc1801222288712
pt-BR 1208147658 157 Bytes Any GOG 09abd10da145137f68e0e418c147a51d
pt-BR 1208147658 971 Bytes Any GOG 8ae6f9aad8a9964dbb2b48a575c8fd93
* 1208147658 2.6 kB Any Offline 7906214a4691dfb70c575a6466938e5a