1.0.7 (7 May 2024)
- Allowing to deactivate the automatic switch between mouse/keyboard and gamepad. The switch will be added in game later, but the possibility of doing so has been added. To do it, you have some steps to follow :
- Navigate to Racine files.
- You can go there manually : C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\Racine, or press Windows + R keys and paste this in the window that appeared : %appdata%/../local/Racine
- In there, open the settings.sav with the notepad, you've got two settings to change. First, search for "controller_hotswap":1.0 and change it for "controller_hotswap":0.0.
- Then, if you want to play with mouse only, search for "controls_type": and set it to "controls_type":0.0 to lock it to play with the mouse, and "controls_type":2.0 to play with the gamepad only.
Once again this is not optimal but it'll help people who had issue preventing them for playing the game at all, we'll integrate this in game in a later patch
- Fixing a bug with the cards in the lobby not appearing if the player had died during a boss' defeat animation
- Adding a new effect on the Bloody transaction charm that adds health regeneration based on Ki accumulation
- Adding new synergies with the Bloody transaction charm with the cards that have effects linked to health or Ki.
- Wealth card halves health points and give 1 Ki for every 4 Health instead of dividing Ki by 2 and giving 4 health for each Ki point
- Emergency card halves the Ki instead of halving Health points
- Investment card heals 15 Health points for each discarded card instead of 15 Ki points
- Perfusion is doubling Health points (without going beyond max HP) and divides Ki by 3
- Blessing and Curse cards are healing Health points instead of giving Ki
- Pharmacopoeia card heals 5 Health point by Status healed instead of giving 5 ki
- Following cards that cost health normally now require an equivalent cost in Ki to be played with the Bloody transaction charms :
- Berserk
- Scar
- Immolation
- Autonomy
- Electroshock
- Red Coin
- Catalysis
- Changing "Good Fortune" charm's Ki accumulation bonus rate from +0.3 to +0.2
- Fixing a bug where the effects of "Minimalism" card were activated twice when played
- Tweaking the speed of stats changes at the end of the fights
- Adding the possibility to skip the animation of statistic changes at the end of the fights, either with left mouse button or with the validation key
- Adding a security that prevents fights starting without ennemies
- Tweaking the spawn method of Merchant and Challenge tiles, so they won't move between updates
- Fixing a bug where Merchant and Challenges tiles were spawning where they were not supposed to
1.0.5 (13 November 2023)
Hello everyone! Another patch. Today we're adding/tweaking stuff thanks to your feedback, and we're also correcting more bugs that have been found!
Full patchnote:
- Fixing a bug that would create an infinite loop when talking to a monk in a village
- Fixing a bug that would make the game crash on a Fear map when a smoke ball was located on isolated tiles
- Fixing a bug that would make it impossible to select cards in the deck menu in the fire village when using a controller
- Fixing a bug that would allow the Painkiller card to heal beyond max health
- Fixing a bug with the reinforced Maximalism card that would allow it to draw multiple time the same card, even if said card was only present once in the deck
Changes & Balancing
- Adding the possibility for parade effects to trigger even if the attack was evaded
- Added a save backup system. For every existing save, a copy is created when launching the game (savegamex_backup_begin) and another one when closing the game (savegamex_backup_end). Those copies are located next to the initial save files, saved localy and not concerned by the Steam Cloud, and can be used by renaming them to an existing normal save (savegame.sav, savegame2.sav, or savegame3.sav)
- Added the charm's descriptions on the map when hovering it with the mouse. With a controller, you can press Y/Triangle
- Tweaking the Leech card's cost from 10 to 5
- Taking away the inflation effect on Beastly card
- Correcting a typo on the end of fight healing skill's description in english
- Tweaking the input detection system correcting the fact that the game would act weirdly, as if the mouse was still active when playing on the gamepad
1.0.4 (10 November 2023)
Hello there!
Another bug-fixing patch. It's probably not the last, and I want to take the occasion to thank you all for your feedback on the forums, it greatly helps us finding out what goes wrong and fix it as soon as we can.
Here's the patchnote!
1.0.4 Patchnote
- Fixing a bug that would wrongfully start a fight right after quitting the elementary card reward
- Fixing a bug that would prevent the players from unlocking the "Sightseeing" achievement
- Fixing a bug that would display a completion mark next to an achievement that's not yet unlocked
- Fixing a bug with the "Critical regeneration" charm that would heal the player of twice 25% of his damage instead of once when critical hits happened
- Fixing a bug with the "Critical regeneration" charm that could heal more than 25% of the ennemy's remaining health
- Fixing a bug with the "Critical regeneration" charm the would bring back the player's HP to 200 instead of healing when the player have more than 200 HP
1.0.3 (9 November 2023)
Hello there!
Pushing a new patch live. We fixed the issue we had about the languages not loading properly, sorry about that! We made some bugfixing, and also some tweaks to the game! (so you won't spend 2 hours against a barrel)
1.0.3 Patchnote
- Fixing a bug that could lead to a crash where the character could keep on attacking the Poison boss if he healed during it's death animation
- Fixing a problem with certain languages not loading properly or displaying as intended
- Put back the skill icons in the right order
- Saves management optimization (seamless but we still wanted to let you know)
- Tweaking the barrel - it will now die automatically after 15 attacks if no other spirit is presentm 30 attacks if there one or more spirit left. This is made to prevent very long battles depending on the builds
- Changing the default gamepad profile so the correct one is set when launching the game on Steamdeck
- Correcting a typo in the Priest's dialog in French
1.0.2 (7 November 2023)
- Adding a sound when picking up a carte in card rewards screen
- Adding an arrow on top of reroll icons and on quit button when they're selected in card rewards screen
- Fixing a bug in selection in cards menu in the hub
- Fixing a bug with the sound of card selection playing twice when card were selected in the card menu and in fight in some situations
- Fixing a bug with the Water boss that would make the game crash if an ennemy with the "Warmonger" boost appeared while the boss had it's shield
- Fixing a bug with the behaviour of the Blockade card that would set the temporary armor to twenty instead of healing 20 temporary armor
- Changing "Fullscreen" option in "Display mode", making it able to chose between "Fullscreen", "Windowed", and "Borderless"
- Adding the possibility to manually resize the game's window when in windowed mode