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Release Notes for Interstellar Space: Genesis

1.6.2 - January 30th 2024


7 new colony 3D terrains, one for each of the different planet biomes (Terran, Desert, Lava, Acid, Ice, Swamp, and Barren).


Infrastructure development upgrades now provide extra experience to the colony leader, as it was the case already for planetary engineering and construction projects. Now possible to manually rotate orbital stations in combat (a bug was preventing that before).


The confirmation screen that pops up when building an outpost on an asteroid belt now informs the size of the belt, to help identify the asteroid belt that is about to be mined. Added a note to the 'Score victory' tooltip in the 'Victory Conditions' panel on the 'New Game' screen, to clarify that the game doesn't end after an arbitrary number of turns have passed when the score victory is disabled.


Fixed a bug that was causing the Aggression modifier (in the 'New Game' screen) to not work properly after saving and reloading. The game would start with the defined aggression modifier, but would revert to 'Normal' aggression after reloading. This bug was present since version 1.6 (Nov 23). Ongoing games will get automatically fixed after this update, so there's no need to re-start to benefit from this fix. Fixed a bug that was causing the 'Zoom & Shoot' ship kill animation, that can sometimes be displayed when finishing off a ship, to not trigger. Remember that you can skip the animation by pressing a mouse button or the 'Space' or 'Esc' keys. You can also disable the 'Zoom & Shoot' animation entirely in the 'Game Settings. Fixed a bug after winning a 'Domination victory' and saving the game, when re-loading that won game, the domination, score and science victory progress weren't displayed anymore. Fixed another bug in the 'Domination victory' that was allowing domination victory to be achieved when a homeworld was not taken but was only in the empire's influence zone. Controlling the homeworld is required for a domination victory. Fixed a bug in the production overflow when constructing ships or buildings that could display an incorrect number of turns necessary for project completion in the situation where there was flat production being obtained for construction projects. Fixed a glitch that was causing the default historical graph setting to be 'Tech' and not 'Overall', as it should, when the graph is presented for the first time in the 'Empire Overview' screen. Fixed a glitch that was causing the Terran terrain waterfall to not flow naturally but presenting the waterfall with a delay (waterfall display lag). Now it flows continuously since opening the Terran colony. Fixed a glitch that could cause orbital stations' shields' graphics to not update correctly on the next combat turn, after the orbital station automatic rotation. Fixed another glitch regarding rotation that was causing the ship direction in the ship panel to not update correctly after manual rotation of ships. Fixed a rare glitch that could cause a fleet with a set destination, but not yet travelling, to not be able to get back to a system immediately. The fleet would display "ETA: 0 turns" and be rendered on top of the system star. Fixed an issue that was causing the supply range borders to not update immediately after offering or receiving system gifts. Evolving Empires

Fixed a bug when picking the 'Master Geologist' wealth culture perk, you'd suddenly become able to spawn a technically infinite supply of space monsters by downgrading and re-raising the eco level to 3. Now, the bonus is only offered once per colony eco-3 upgrading. Fixed a glitch that could cause the monster spawn progress bar to go overboard in the 'Empire Overview' screen. Compatibility note: Saves from the previous version 1.6.1 should be fully compatible with 1.6.2, so you can proceed with your games normally.

1.6 Update - Features and Improvements

New Victory Conditions

This was a highly popular feature request by the community, and something we really wanted to offer at some point, and it finally makes it in for 1.6!

In addition to the existing Election and Alliance victory conditions, and the traditional winner conquers all way to win (now called Conquest Victory), you now have the following new ways to win: Wonder, Domination, Science, and Score victory conditions! Here's a brief breakdown.

On top of the new victory conditions, you can also configure the new ones but also the pre-existing Election and Conquest victory conditions. You can choose the number of wonders required to build, the percentage of colonized systems that need to be controlled, the frequency in which the Galactic Council will reconvene to try and elect the galactic ruler, and more.

Also, if you wish, you can continue playing after winning or losing due to any victory condition being triggered, and win (or lose) again through other means.

Balance tweaks, and QoL improvements

Along with the new victory conditions, the 1.6 update also offers other new features, many tweaks and improvements, and bug fixes, many in reply to your suggestions.

Included in the new features and improvements is a revamped 'Deep Space Initiative' knowledge culture perk, that now provides free remote exploration on adjacent sectors to the ones just explored. The 'Powerful Creatures' planet special now also provides an empire-wide ground combat bonus. And, the Hall of Fame can now be reset.

There's also the ability to adjust the wormhole lines' brightness (including disabling them); the ability to move weapon slots up and down in the ship design screen; the possibility of listing leaders by their status (unassigned or assigned first). Also, hovering over torpedoes and missiles will now highlight the ships' they're targeting, just to name a few changes.

You can see the full list of changes below.

Version 1.6 - Full Release Note

Evolving Empires
Compatibility and finishing an ongoing game

Due to the extension of the changes, saves from previous versions may not be compatible with the 1.6 update. For a better experience, it is advisable that you start new games to enjoy the new features and improvements fully, and not have bugs

If you want to finish your current game with the previous version (1.5.3), on GOG Galaxy choose the previous 1.5.3 version by choosing Options -> Manage Installation -> Set "Automatically update to newest version" to off and choose the 1.5.3 version.

Thanks We want to thank everyone who has helped test this update. Big thanks to everyone who has bought the game, and the expansions, so far. Thank you.

We hope you enjoy the new the free 1.6 update! If you haven't bought the Natural Law expansion yet, please consider buying as it adds 2 very nice playable races to the game, that will have their own Evolution tree with the Evolving Empires expansion, among other features and music tracks. The Evolving Empires expansion adds two major new features: Evolutions and Minor Civilizations. It also includes 7 new leaders and 2 new music tracks. If you have a few minutes to spare, and have been enjoying what we do, please leave us a review on GOG!

Have fun!

Praxis Games

1.4.2 'Minor Civs Detected' Update Released - June 4th 2022

Hello everyone!

It's been about a week since we released the Evolving Empires expansion and the free 1.4 update. We hope you are enjoying the new expansion and the new free update with all the new features and improvements.

In the meantime, we've been listening to your feedback so we're releasing a new patch addressing some of the issues raised. Version 1.4.2 makes significant changes to the new 'Minor Civilizations' feature of the Evolving Empires expansion. It also fixes some issues found since the release. Most changes are for the Evolving Empires expansion, some are for Natural Law and there also changes to the base-game.

We received a lot of great feedback on the new expansion, and more concretely on the new 'Minor Civilizations' feature, which helped us understand that some tweaks and balance changes were in order to unlock its full potential. We became aware some people reported not finding enough minor civs, or when they did these sometimes appeared a bit too late in the game. We also became aware the unintentional destruction of minor civs with blind colonization (not having full scan over a system) was an issue for some people. We acknowledged the situation was not ideal, so 1.4.2 addresses that.

Thanks to everyone who helped beta test this update. To everyone who helped, don't forget to revert from the unstable to the default Steam branch, so you can get the 1.4.2 official update.

Please enjoy the new update, and let us know if you find any issues. Thanks everyone for reading and for the support! If you have a few minutes to spare, and have been enjoying what we do, please leave us a review on GOG!

Level up your Galactic Empire with Evolving Empires today!

The Dev Team Praxis Games

Version 1.4.2

Compatibility note: Saves from previous versions are not compatible with 1.4.2. So, you will need to start new games to enjoy this new update. If you want to finish your current game with the previous version (1.4.1) please choose the previous 1version (1.4.1) by choosing Options -> Manage Installation -> Set "Automatically update to newest version" to off and choose the 1.4.1 version.

GAMEPLAY Evolving Empires New 'Detected' state for 'Minor Civilizations' allows minors to be revealed with 'Basic' scan level (e.g. normal ship visit or basic remote exploration level), where before 'Full' scan was required to reveal the minor. This new state doesn't reveal the minors' type nor allows access to its relationship bonuses. For that, 'Full' scan is still required. In the 'Detect' state, you only know a minor is there (intelligent life signals detected) but you do not know who they are nor what bonuses they may provide. This resolves the unintentional destruction of minor civs with blind colonization issue, and will allow for more minors to be revealed early, although with no detailed information yet.

BALANCE Evolving Empires The game offers a bit more minor civilizations at the start now. The minor civs slider tooltip now states that 5 to 12% of star systems will contain a minor, depending on the minors abundance set (none, few, average, many). Minor civilizations are now distributed more evenly throughout the galaxy map. Before, minor civs could appear in clusters too near each other, and not enough could be found near homeworlds. That is now fixed. The Cerixx affinity's evolution perk 'Technophiles', which allows buying techs with cash, now only requires 0.75 BC for each remaining RP a tech requires to be researched, where before the conversion was 1 BC to 1 RP. This balance change was also done to make them more competitive and to ease the buying of techs with money, which is a lot of fun by the way. Natural Law The Cerixx race now has the '+1 BC per POP' racial modifier bonus. This race needed this money bonus to be more inline with its strengths as a race and to stay competitive. The Cerixx race now has the 'Easily Seen' special ability. They are small, but they ride big mechs after all :) This compensates the added money of the item above and it makes sense for them to be more spied on, due to their love for shiny new tech and somewhat careless behavior. They do have the 'Investigation' unique ability though, which catches spies currently undertaking espionage, so it's a gamble for who decides to spy on them.

AI Evolving Empires The AI now surveys minor civilizations quicker and more efficiently. Before, the AI could interrupt surveying minors and lose progress too often, and would start surveying minors a bit too late. So, expect more competition from the AI on the minor civs department now!

UI / GRAPHICS Natural Law Cerixx ships' Frigate A and Cruiser A now have a bigger engine trail effect to make these ships easier to tell which part is the front and the back. Base-game The images of buildings, planet specials and ships displayed on tooltips were increased a bit.

BUG FIXES Evolving Empires Fixed a bug that would cause duplicate leaders to appear and accept working for different empires, which could lead to additional issues when influencing those leaders when a "copy" of the leader already present in the influencing empire. This was caused when all leaders were dismissed when the Kaek empire chose their 'Hub and Spoke' evolution perk, which was accounting for all leaders the Kaek knew about, and not just the ones that were actually working for them at that time. Fixed an issue that was not allowing for new scanner technology to take effect immediately when bought with money using the Cerixx affinity 'Technophiles' evolution. Fixed an issue that was not allowing the access state of known 'Minor Civilizations' to update upon picking the 'Empire Patrols' evolution perk of the Cerixx affinity evolution. Now minors' access state (e.g. exclusive access), updates immediate and not just in the next turn. [Evolving Empires expansion] Fixed a bug that would cause a blocking issue with remote exploration when playing with the Palacean affinity when a monster offspring would join the empire on a system (Natural Allies' evolution perk) without a fleet being present. Fixed a typo on the Android leaders' description. 'Creatores' is now 'Creators'. Natural Law Fixed a bug that would cause the Cerixx's 'Containment' unique ability to become permanently in effect, and blocking fleets in a system forever, after the Cerixx were vanquished, as the containment field would never be lifted after that point. Now it is lifted when the Cerixx empire is eliminated from the game. Base-game Fixed a bug that was allowing all empires to receive the benefit of the 'Neutronium Armor Coating' tech (bonus to armor) with available sources of the 'Neutronium' strategic resource, even without having researched the tech. Fixed a bug that was causing upgradeable buildings (e.g. Airspace Support Facility, Marine Garrison) to not automatically upgrade upon conquering a colony. Now these upgrade to the newest available technology. Fixed a bug that would cause the 'Delicate Delicacies' event action notification to disappear upon resetting or reordering the tech queue. Fixed an issue that was causing some lag in the planetary view for 4K resolutions, especially noticeable on the Terran terrain, but also others. Fixed a bug that was allowing for the function keys (e.g. F1) to be pressable on the main menu and new game screens. Fixed an issue in the ships' overview panel with the stationed status filter for ships. Some ships could be listed as being stationed when in fact they were traveling.

July 07 2021

Here's another small update to address a few issues.

Saves are 100% compatible with the previous 1.3.x versions.

As always, thanks to all who bought the game and the Natural Law expansion so far. If you have a few minutes to spare, and have been enjoying what we do, please leave us a review on GOG!

Have fun!

Praxis Games

VERSION 1.3.4 (changelog)


June 30th 2021 One more small update to address a few issues and to add some important improvements, which should be particularly helpful for colorblind players.

Saves are 100% compatible with the previous 1.3.x versions.

As always, thanks to all who bought the game and the Natural Law expansion so far. If you have a few minutes to spare, and have been enjoying what we do, please leave us a review on GOG!

Have fun!

Praxis Games

VERSION 1.3.3 (changelog)


This is a smaller update to address some minor but still important issues found in the previous version.

Saves are 100% compatible with the previous 1.3.x versions.

Thanks to all who bought the game and the Natural Law expansion so far. If you have a few minutes to spare, and have been enjoying what we do, please leave us a review on GOG!

Have fun! Praxis Games

VERSION 1.3.2 (changelog)


UPDATE (June 18th 2021): Hotfix 1.3.1a released for 1.3.1. The changes of this hotfix were the following:

Hello everyone!

It's been a week since we released the free 1.3 update. We hope you are enjoying this new major update with all its new features and improvements.

In the meantime, we've been listening to your feedback, so here's a patch that fixes some issues and adds a few important improvements.

Saves from version 1.3.0 should be 100% compatible with this new version.

Thanks a lot to everyone who has bought the game and has been providing feedback! If you haven't bought the Natural Law expansion yet, please consider buying as it adds 2 very nice playable races to the game, among other features and music tracks. If you have a few minutes to spare, and have been enjoying what we do, please leave us a review on GOG!

Have fun! Praxis Games

VERSION 1.3.1 (change log)


Hello everyone!

We are thrilled to announce that the new major and free! 1.3 update for Interstellar Space: Genesis is now available to all players!

This update has been on the unstable branch for beta testing to make sure there were no major unforeseen issues for the smoothest official release possible. We're happy to report that testing went very well, so we believe we're in very good shape. Thanks to everyone who played the unstable build and provided feedback!

Free 1.3 Update - Key Features and Improvements

Surrender Pact

The 1.3 highlights include the brand new Surrender Pact feature! With this new diplomacy treaty, you can now subjugate a rival into a surrender pact, and obtain benefits from it, instead of having to completely wipe it out of the game. Subjects vote for their overlord and contribute to all victory types. 56 new lines of dialog were added to accommodate the surrender pact diplomacy interactions. Check the release note below for all the details!

Alliance Victory

Also in 1.3 we now have the new Alliance Victory condition, where allies win together. When an empire wins, all its allies share victory. It can be enabled or disabled in the new game set up screen.

GOG Achievements

Achievements were also added to the game! There are 57 achievements, which include 3 hidden ones and 7 for the first expansion pack, Natural Law. The achievements are also displayed in-game in a dedicated 'Achievements' screen.

AI Aggressiveness Level

The new 'AI Aggressiveness' option in the 'New Game' screen allows tweaking the desired aggression level for the AI. With higher aggressiveness, the AI will tend to be more hostile, attack more and declare war more often. It will also be more reluctant to sign diplomatic deals. The opposite effect for lower aggression than normal.

New Diplomacy Screen

The diplomacy UI was revamped! The diplomacy dialog screen is now displayed in full screen and the ambassador character is presented much larger, allowing for much more of the character to be seen and the different animations depending on their mood.

And, much more!

There's also a ton of major AI improvements, performance improvements, a new UI-scale slider option, QoL improvements and bug fixes, many of which in response to player feedback, and much more!

You can find the full change log for this update at the end of this post.

Compatibility and finishing an ongoing game

Saves from previous versions are not compatible with version 1.3. To everyone who helped beta test this update, please revert to the main branch by choosing 'Disabled' in GOG's Betas tab. You can then resume playing with the official version now.

If you want to finish your current game with the previous version (1.2.4), please go to Options -> Manage Installation -> Configure -> Set "Automatically update to newest version" to off and choose 1.2.4a from the versions list.

Important note: Custom races designed with previous versions will not work with the old version if you run the game once with the new version (after running 1.3 once, the custom races are updated to work with the new version). So, if you wish to finish a game with the previous version, please delete all your current custom races first, by deleting them in the folder C:\Users\<your_username>\AppData\LocalLow\Praxis Games\ISG\Races, otherwise the game will not launch properly. This is only required if you wish to finish a game with the previous version.


We want to thank everyone who has helped test this update. Big thanks to everyone who has bought the game so far. A big thank you also to our artist Camilo Abelayras for creating such beautiful icons for the Achievements. Thank you.

We hope you like the free 1.3 update! As you know, we're doing all we can to keep improving the game and to win your support. If you have a few minutes to spare, and have been enjoying what we do, please leave us a review on GOG!

Have fun! Praxis Games

Version 1.3 (free update change list)

Update 1.2.4a