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Quilts and Cats of Calico - Build 58146255111051495

Basic Info

Build ID 58146255111051495
Install directory Quilts_and_Cats_of_Calico/
Root product ID 1159176173
Build published 2024-11-29 15:19
Branch Not set
Version #42
URL https://gog-cdn-fastly.gog.com/content-system/v2/meta/3d/c3/3dc32143572ca957342e24c86f4090ed
Tags csb_10_6_3_w_7, galaxy
Client ID 57474208713011652
Client secret df3a4d28ee77d0d2e81284ef22755137543c4687eaa4d17338ff027e5f80c964
Dependencies None
Script interpreter True
Generation 2


Name Product ID Script Temp executable Temp arguments
Quilts and Cats of Calico 1159176173


Languages Product ID Size Bitness Attribute Manifest ID
it-IT, es-ES, en-US, ja-JP, pt-BR, ru-RU, zh-Hans, de-DE, zh-Hant, fr-FR, ko-KR, uk-UA, pl-PL 1159176173 1.1 GB Any ae71ca976a2911f94700da2629ab3a2d
it-IT 1159176173 157 Bytes Any GOG 142c947cc0f83513c7bbf45802b14eae
it-IT 1159176173 875 Bytes Any GOG eb4f03f6fde8a201a32384d3f864be74
en-US 1159176173 157 Bytes Any GOG 142c947cc0f83513c7bbf45802b14eae
en-US 1159176173 875 Bytes Any GOG cc8abaafea85d6d314bac3b3eb930a07
uk-UA 1159176173 157 Bytes Any GOG 142c947cc0f83513c7bbf45802b14eae
uk-UA 1159176173 877 Bytes Any GOG a1f041ef5810ebc74008ebbe1c6f0fa5
ru-RU 1159176173 157 Bytes Any GOG 142c947cc0f83513c7bbf45802b14eae
ru-RU 1159176173 875 Bytes Any GOG 0c3c63b702cc54b5b79a0fedc893c212
ja-JP 1159176173 157 Bytes Any GOG 142c947cc0f83513c7bbf45802b14eae
ja-JP 1159176173 876 Bytes Any GOG 3abb49cef30765361dbcff5b43461453
zh-Hans 1159176173 157 Bytes Any GOG 142c947cc0f83513c7bbf45802b14eae
zh-Hans 1159176173 890 Bytes Any GOG 41e0ef510bbd75a4ef3915eb5e87fdc5
es-ES 1159176173 157 Bytes Any GOG 142c947cc0f83513c7bbf45802b14eae
es-ES 1159176173 875 Bytes Any GOG 56d1ae57d6796668d00e773163420f5c
pt-BR 1159176173 157 Bytes Any GOG 142c947cc0f83513c7bbf45802b14eae
pt-BR 1159176173 890 Bytes Any GOG 1c17f35fdcdfec86439c4f730d5a2746
pl-PL 1159176173 157 Bytes Any GOG 142c947cc0f83513c7bbf45802b14eae
pl-PL 1159176173 874 Bytes Any GOG 77310d615ab13ffad6bd562928248993
zh-Hant 1159176173 157 Bytes Any GOG 142c947cc0f83513c7bbf45802b14eae
zh-Hant 1159176173 891 Bytes Any GOG ff435bc6d1d57f97864d60b3ea4ad34a
de-DE 1159176173 157 Bytes Any GOG 142c947cc0f83513c7bbf45802b14eae
de-DE 1159176173 874 Bytes Any GOG d953c2b6cd693e8af45f4187effdbc85
ko-KR 1159176173 157 Bytes Any GOG 142c947cc0f83513c7bbf45802b14eae
ko-KR 1159176173 874 Bytes Any GOG 1a983de444b5f40168dd8f36247c77ad
fr-FR 1159176173 157 Bytes Any GOG 142c947cc0f83513c7bbf45802b14eae
fr-FR 1159176173 874 Bytes Any GOG e7a465df2b8449c5b85b0e347b3d77cf
* 1159176173 2.4 kB Any Offline 019a0edabcd7a5e8550dafff385ddc2d