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Murder Is Game Over: Cleo's Complete Casefile

Product ID 1093888019
Product type Package
API availability Galaxy + Store API
In store Yes
Developers HitherYon Games
Publisher HitherYon Games
Last updated 2024-12-26 23:46
Prices Details References Downloads Builds Media Changelog


Start End Base Final Discount
2023-07-25 2023-08-01 $8.99 $8.09 10%
2023-08-01 2023-11-21 $8.99 $8.99 -
2023-11-21 2023-11-28 $8.99 $6.74 25%
2023-11-28 2023-12-05 $8.99 $8.09 10%
2023-12-05 2023-12-13 $8.99 $8.99 -
2023-12-13 2024-01-04 $8.99 $6.74 25%
2024-01-04 2024-01-19 $8.99 $8.99 -
2024-01-19 2024-01-22 $8.99 $4.49 50%
2024-01-22 2024-01-25 $8.99 $8.99 -
2024-01-25 2024-02-06 $8.99 $6.74 25%
2024-02-06 2024-02-07 $8.99 $8.99 -
2024-02-07 2024-02-14 $14.41 $14.41 -
2024-02-14 2024-02-22 $14.41 $10.8 25%
2024-02-22 2024-02-27 $14.41 $14.41 -
2024-02-27 2024-03-05 $14.41 $7.2 50%
2024-03-05 2024-03-20 $14.41 $14.41 -
2024-03-20 2024-04-04 $14.41 $10.8 25%
2024-04-04 2024-04-09 $14.41 $14.41 -
2024-04-09 2024-04-16 $14.41 $7.2 50%
2024-04-16 2024-04-30 $14.41 $14.41 -
2024-04-30 2024-05-08 $14.41 $7.2 50%
2024-05-08 2024-05-08 $14.41 $14.41 -
2024-05-08 2024-05-16 $14.41 $7.2 50%
2024-05-16 2024-06-06 $14.41 $14.41 -
2024-06-06 2024-06-17 $14.41 $7.2 50%
2024-06-17 2024-06-19 $14.41 $14.41 -
2024-06-19 2024-07-19 $14.41 $7.2 50%
2024-07-19 2024-07-30 $14.41 $14.41 -
2024-07-30 2024-08-07 $14.41 $7.2 50%
2024-08-07 2024-08-13 $14.41 $14.41 -
2024-08-13 2024-08-21 $14.41 $7.2 50%
2024-08-21 2024-08-26 $14.41 $14.41 -
2024-08-26 2024-09-10 $14.41 $7.2 50%
2024-09-10 2024-12-12 $14.41 $14.41 -
2024-12-12 2024-12-27 $14.41 $7.2 50%
To view old (pre 2019) price data click here.


Slug murder_mystery_bundle
Tags Adventure, Detective-mystery, Point-and-click
Features No data
Localizations French, German, Russian
Is using Dosbox No
Supported sytems W
Content system compatibility W
Added to DB on 2023-07-25

Store Details

Global release date 2023-07-25
GOG release date 2023-07-25
Store state default
Age rating No rating
Is in development No
Store link https://www.gog.com/game/murder_mystery_bundle
Forum link https://www.gog.com/forum/murder_is_game_over
Support link https://www.gog.com/support/murder_mystery_bundle


Logo https://images.gog-statics.com/79b15865f567570627cf7445ce7cddbb04ed1f675a19d4ebf94d8a803604b8ff.jpg
Background https://images.gog-statics.com/da21c19a2b1f0b1046a30373b1000017bd54584da11381a932baa94f59428c5c.jpg
Icon https://images.gog-statics.com/d9f18bfbb6528a2ab673ff928dcb2fb0c7c37480f732313f7a82b665bc8c65ad.jpg
Galaxy background https://images.gog-statics.com/767c26b0e7ff876fd845258b2c31b890e226f875ad694bb5d666dff2ee552bfe.jpg
Boxart https://images.gog-statics.com/5d7cd6db62e7713ff01532b7a64804492a6392c3053c73afdcfed08df848b285.jpg
Square icon https://images.gog-statics.com/0e5df2ea2cd4860245d935217dc16f3a0ee3590457e17cbc20ee437bb78289d7.jpg

API Links

Galaxy API https://api.gog.com/products/1093888019?expand=downloads,expanded_dlcs,description,screenshots,videos,related_products,changelog
Store API https://api.gog.com/v2/games/1093888019
Store API V1 (deprecated) https://api.gog.com/v1/games/1093888019
Galaxy GamesDB https://gamesdb.gog.com/platforms/gog/external_releases/1093888019
Builds Windows https://content-system.gog.com/products/1093888019/os/windows/builds?generation=2
Builds macOS Unavailable
GOG DB data https://www.gogdb.org/data/products/1093888019

Third Party Sites

PCGamingWiki https://pcgamingwiki.com/api/gog.php?page=1093888019

Included games

ID Name Type Systems
1091340105 Murder Is Game Over: Deal Killer Game W
1497178414 Murder Is Game Over Game W
1946404985 Murder Is Game Over: Streaming Death Game W
No downloads available.


No builds available.




o Property changed: Title changed from Murder Mystery Bundle to Murder Is Game Over: Cleo's Complete Casefile 2024-11-29
o Property changed: Title changed from product_title_1093888019 to Murder Mystery Bundle 2024-02-09
o Property changed: Title changed from Murder Mystery Bundle to product_title_1093888019 2024-02-08
+ Product added to DB 2023-07-25